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I'm an utter failure


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I don't know what section this belongs in but...(sorry if it's in the wrong section)


It has come to my attention that I will die alone.


I don't feel attractive and guys don't find me attractive. I hope I'll be better later, I just feel really dejected, yet again.


For once, in about a year or so, I actually put some effort into my appearance and now I know it's a lost cause. Nobody that I like will ever like me.


*I* the feminazi, put makeup on in an effort to attract someone.

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dil - I can really relate to that feeling but it IS all in your head. AND it's perpetual. So if you keep thinking it, it will keep being true. If that makes any sense.


Its when you start finding the little things to accept and even like about yourself that will help break that horrible, self loathing cycle.

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some have said I've been 'pretty', but look where that has gotten me.




so I've come to the conclusion that I have an utter failure of a personality.


which is WORSE in retrospect.


Why is this thread in this section? Because I never worked past the 'attraction' which is pretty pathetic.

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Here's your problem, you've already given up. Do you HONESTLY think that your unattractive? better yet, do YOU honestly think that EVERY guy on earth will think that your unattractive? Here's my point, your beautiful, not to everyone, but then no one is.


Your gorgeous, intellectually stimulating, and looking at your picture, hell, i'd date you. How can you give up so easy? It's like you want people to pity you so you'll get some guys. I'm just a caring guy by nature There's NO SUCH THING as the world "UGLY" when you apply it to people.


Are you going to let what other people think of you bring YOUR self confidence down? Better yet, are you going to let YOURSELF bring you down? I should hope not, your a strong gal aren't you? You don't need hope, your perfect, you couldn't have been more perfect.


I know your an angel in disguise, you just need the right guy to nudge your confidence. And trust me, your NOT ugly. You have to quit doing that to yourself. Common, I hate to see a beautiful girl on the down.



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girls that aren't that attractive get more attention than me, what does that make me?


I have a friend who's kinda * * * * *y and psychotic and not that pretty and she has dated more than me.


I must be a real piece of work.


I'm not mean though...I don't get it.

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Lowering your confidence turns you into a different person. While you were being "different" you may have gone unnoticed. If you are yourself, you at least have a chance, but lowering you self esteem only makes matters worse. You have to stop digging the hole to failure, and begin climbing the staircase to success!

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As long as you feel sorry for yourself, that is the image you will convey to the opposite sex. The only thing they are finding unattractive is your attitude, not your looks and not your mind, and that's something that you have the complete power to change. The ball is in your court. You want to be more attractive to men? Believe in your heart and your mind that you are and it will be so.

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For starters I doubt EVERYONE thinks you're unattractive. I look at your picture and I gotta say you're pretty, and I bet tons of guys would agree. Just look at how many guys replied already. I do not know what you've done, whether you've tried asking a guy out before but they keep turning you down... Either way, I say you gotta cheer up and keep trying. I know I used to get a lot more attention when I was cheerful and upbeat, which makes sense, cause everybody wants to meet fun people. Do not give up.

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okay, I think I'm just broken up about this one guy friend.


and my psychologist will be happy since she says he's no good for me, as in, he's a jerk.


(long story...)


but yeah, long history of nothing, nada...punctuated by the rare crush (usually on a jerk) that gets nowhere. Like this last one, that's caused me to be this way.

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Dil, I think you are a diamond in the rough, you have tremendous potential but you have to believe it in yourself. Here is what you should do


-Smile all the time

-work out/run, that allows your body to produce chemicals that give you that natural high, also it improves your bloodflow which gives you a glow

-think positive about you and the world

-Eat better foods and drink water, our body is made out of water so we need to drink lots of it to feel good


I used to think I was not good looking, that nobody would want to be with me, as soon as I started taking better care of myself and thinking positive I began attracting attention from the ladies!


Did I mention you are a cutie?

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do you know when would a girl look attractive ??


the answer is " when she is paying attention to listen to a guys talk to her "

u know,it is quite true, my girlfriend also use this way to draw my attention to her, she made me feel that i am being respected .


you can try it , wish you have nice day.

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My body is not unattractive either.


I do smile.


There is this unknown flaw about my character that drives guys away from me.


The reason why I was so broken up about this guy, who's now showing zero interest in me, is because I find it extremely difficult to find a match for myself, aka, intellectual equal. I don't get hit on my normal guys anyways, but I'm kinda picky, even though I really can't afford to be.


I tried, I failed. I smiled, I was funny, charming...whatever. He just played me. I should just accept that.


I should get used to the idea, it has been so disasterous I should be used to it.

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Those girls getting all the attention aren't always making real connections with guys, and I'm sure you don't want to be a booty call for some dullard. That leaves you with having to wait and keep your hopes up instead of caving in and going floozy.


I think you're a smart, funny lady with lots to offer.

Sorry you're feeling crummy.


Makeup? Oh, don't do that.

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half an hour later...


basically, I spent 30 minutes making a profile for myself on this dating site and then deleted it.


I feel like such an idiot.


When I say I'm alone, it really holds a great deal of truth.


yeah, I feel like crap right now. I think I'll be better tomorrow.

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half an hour later...


basically, I spent 30 minutes making a profile for myself on this dating site and then deleted it.


I did that, and even bothered some poor lady before deleting it like a coward and sneaking away.


Must be common enough.

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You're not embarrassing yourself. You had a crush on him, but I'm sure you will get over it soon enough. He wasn't worth your time anyway. There are plenty of decent, sane, guys out there, so don't let this one get to you. Try being cheerful and smiling, but with everyone, and life in general, not just the guy you have a crush on. I'm sure life will smile back. Best wishes and good luck.

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I don't know what section this belongs in but...(sorry if it's in the wrong section)


It has come to my attention that I will die alone.


I don't feel attractive and guys don't find me attractive. I hope I'll be better later, I just feel really dejected, yet again.


For once, in about a year or so, I actually put some effort into my appearance and now I know it's a lost cause. Nobody that I like will ever like me.


*I* the feminazi, put makeup on in an effort to attract someone.


Hey, You are not alone..I am also in the same shoes as you, and I know how it feels..

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I don't know what section this belongs in but...(sorry if it's in the wrong section)


It has come to my attention that I will die alone.


I don't feel attractive and guys don't find me attractive. I hope I'll be better later, I just feel really dejected, yet again.


For once, in about a year or so, I actually put some effort into my appearance and now I know it's a lost cause. Nobody that I like will ever like me.


*I* the feminazi, put makeup on in an effort to attract someone.

You remind me of myself when I was your age.


P.S. I think you're cute.


P.P.S Feminazis rule.


P.P.P.S. Don't worry too much about death, trust me, when it happens, you won't feel a thing.

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You remind me of myself when I was your age.


P.S. I think you're cute.


P.P.S Feminazis rule.


P.P.P.S. Don't worry too much about death, trust me, when it happens, you won't feel a thing.


awww, you don't even need someone to tell you you're cute..you probably know it


I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afriad of dying alone.

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Hi. Don't feel so bad. You look attractive. You also look very young. Pehaps they think you are to young? Maybe. You'll get older. That will help.


Women seldom found me attractive before age 23 because I looked to young. All of a sudden at age 23 and 24, I was suddenly a chick magnet, but of course I didn't know how to handle that attention since I'd never received any before. So I was shy in response to that attention. Then I got my neck crushed at age 25. So it was many years before I got to try again.


You aren't going to die alone. Please don't be so dramatic because it just makes you feel bad. You're 18. You've got many good years ahead of you and I'm sure one or more guys are going to like and want you. Maybe you'll just need to be a little older, like maybe 22 or 23 or 24 to look old enough. Until then, just work into the conversation (tactfully and subtely) that you are 18 or 19 (when you are). That way the guys won't be afraid you're 16 or 17. Letting them know your age will increase your chances.


If the guys don't know your true age, they'll likely assume you're to young and avoid any romantic relationship. I'll give you an example of this that happened with me a year ago. A young lady I know liked me and I liked her, but I thought she was to young for me. She looked 16, but I knew she was graduated from High School and working full time. So I assumed she was 18 or 19. She tried to put her head on my arm and I pulled back and moved away from her because I thought she was to young for me. I later found out that she was 26 at the time, and now is 27. I had no idea of her true age. If she'd let me know her actual age, I wouldn't have pulled away. Now I no longer have the opportunity to be around her. So I can't even repair my earlier mistake. So take a lesson from my example and make sure you let the guy know you're 18 so he doesn't assume you are much younger and pull away.


Also, don't feel guilty about wearing makeup. There's nothing wrong with that. Things will work out for you in time. In the meanwhile, don't be so hard on yourself. It'll be OK.

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