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should i be running out to walmart?


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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT take your baby into bed with you. It is absolutely the worst risk to take. I have seen the awful consequences of it and oh my god, I will never ever forget it, let alone the parents. There is NO safe way to have your baby sleeping in your bed with you. NONE at all.



You can do it safely, my son still cosleeps with me in my bed and he's perfectly fine. As amother if you plan to cosleep you have to be extra cautious.



Great list Dilly.

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Last night, I bought a Snugli carrier. EArlier up on the thread I mentioned that the Baby BiJorn ones were kind of pricey.


I feel all happy when I think Ive made a good purchase and got away with spending the least possible..... So I thought I would share with you all my newest 'toy.


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I only paid 19.95 for it.... Its so cool. 7-26 lbs for babies size, and my newborn is already close to 9.5 lbs so she fits in it perfectly. This carrier allows you to have your arms free and baby close to your chest. It works as a carrier for newborns when they have little neck support as they can face toward you. Later on the carrier also can be used for an older baby 6 months + that would rather face away from you.


Half the price of what I would pay if I had gone with a more expensive carrier. Oh and this thing is SO comfortable on my back. The way they did the straps it evenly distributes the weight so that it makes for more comfortable carrying.


Reasons I felt it was a needed purchase for me:

- I can now do dishes/laudry/vaccum etc with baby strapped onto me

- I wont have to worry that 24 month old will casually throw a ball/toy into her cradle while I walk away to do things I have to do

- I can use her in this thing when I go to the store

- by doing that I wont have to have her in a germy grocery cart

- I can have her safely close to me and not fear that she isnt okay.

- I can have the 2 year old in the buggy/cart while she is on the carrier to make it easier fo rme to handle both kids when Im alone and NEED to go to the store.


Im also looking forward to it being warmer outside, right now its 20 somethin degrees out there... brrrrrrrrrrrrrr When it is warmer, I can let toddler play in yard while I safely carry her around with us since she wont be able to walk for a long time coming ... also I plan to use this when taking walks... I will need to work some of this baby weight off and that thing will come in handy.

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