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should i be running out to walmart?


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Speaking of carseats. Here where I live it is the law. They will not even let you leave the hospital with your bundle of joy if the baby isnt fastened safely into a carseat.


They even came out to the parking garage where a 'trained' person checked my car to be sure it was installed correctly.


I wouldn't be able to show my face in my family if I didn't use Boudreaux's Butt Cream on him though... but that's kind of a Mississippi/Louisiana thing. Apparently, it's magical.
I see commercials on tv for that and crack up every single time! haha..


But there is one thing I am intrigued to buy that my cous got from walmart the other day. Its a bassinet that changes into a changing table and a playpen! Space saver! Maybe I will just tell my rents about it and they will get it for xmas hee hee.

My playpen is like that, its called a Pack-n-Play I believe. Anyway, it is a playpen, and on top it has an attachment for a bassinet, and changing table, also has another attachment that hangs off the side for stuffing full of diapers and other things needed. I used it with my other one, and even though its DARK BLUE... I will use it for my expected daughter too.


Whats really cool, is when I travel home to visit, 640 mile trip... I will be able to use it as a portable crib. Dreading that long car ride, but plan to make a trip this summer or my family wont forgive me =-)

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I bought a Pack-n-play already. My sister in law has used it for her new one since she was born and it's AWESOME. Her's is slightly different from mine, but mine has the bells and whistles on it like the changing table and diaper stacker and I guess even a little music box thing too.


I won't be buying a crib until necessary, which is 3 or 6 months I believe? They can sleep in the bassinet part until they roll over...at least that's what I heard...true?

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Also, as far as the car seat goes, a lot of moms find that babies sleep very well in their carriers when they're first born, and it's a good way to keep them around you without waking them up. My son slept REALLY well in his carrier for a while - unfortunately, he was on an apnea monitor when he came home and sleeping in the carrier put him in a position that the monitor would have all kinds of false alarms, so we had to break him of it.


I just read an article posted today about children sleeping in carseats.


I know anything can go wrong when it comes to anything pretty much, you always see news stories about how breathing can cause cancer and all that, but better to be informed. Anyways here's the link.


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I saw a news story about that. How in a carseat the baby can lean forward at a dangerous angle cutting off their own breathing.


That in the car they are pretty much fine, of course should be watched.... but outside of the car and not 'strapped in' at the proper angle its not as safe. They suggest never to let the baby sleep long in a carseat and to watch their head since their heads are so wobbly. Be sure its not leaning forward but should be laying back into the seat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've compiled my list. Note that it doesn't include the obvious, like a crib or carseat. If anyone has anything they'd like to add, please do so. Thanks to everyone who contributed.


Baby List:



-pad for sleeping in my bed

-baby bath

-baby shampoo

-baby soap

-high chair

-diaper champ (diaper disposal)

-Resinol (diaper rash)


-underarm thermometer

-baby Tylenol

-Gentle Naturals (for scalp and dry skin)

-Mylicon (gas relief)

-Pedialyte (flu or diarrhoea)

-rocking chair

-diaper pail, cloth diapers and liners

-nursing pillow

-breast pump

-diaper bag

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Lookin' good, amber!


I know everyone goes gaga over the Boppy, but if you can check it out, I recommend the My Brest Friend. It straps on and has lumbar support, and while it's more expensive, I really loved it. You can try it on at Babies R Us and see if you like it more than the Boppy. Like I said, I know everyone likes the Boppy, but I just wanted to give you another option. Lord knows you don't have enough decisions to make...

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Okay all expectant moms, I just want to talk about the bassinett I bought. I have been using it this past week with my new baby and it is a lifesaver. Its lightweight and its on wheels so I can move her around the house to wherever I am. I had a Csection, so my middle is all chopped up and I can still easily move it around because it doesnt weigh much at all.. I love that. Its got baskets underneath so at anytime I have a change of clothes, diapers, spare blanket, and whatever else on hand wherever I am. No running accross the house to get another outfit because she has spit up I got it right there. I have also been using it as a changing table as Im moving about..


I had talked about ordering it on another thread, its very cheap.. less than 40 dollars But now that I have it, I have to say its my all time favorite and I have had three bassinetts/cradles. Its white and even comes with blue and pink ribbons so that you can customize it to whatever sex you need.


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This thread is a life saver, I'm one of the plan ahead types and don't want to spend endless amounts of money that I don't have on things I don't need. I won't be getting much until our move to the US is over so probably when I'm between 25 and 32 weeks. From looking at this I figure the most important things are:



-baby shampoo

-baby soap

-Resinol (diaper rash)



-ear thermometer

The magazine that I read (Mother and Baby) recomends this as it actually takes the baby's body temprature instead of it's skin temprature.


-baby Tylenol

-Gentle Naturals (for scalp and dry skin)

-Mylicon (gas relief)

-Pedialyte (flu or diarrhoea)


-bags to despose of diapers.


And then:


crib, changing mat, car seat/stroler, bassinet, baby bouncer, bedding, blankets, Clothes, sterilizer and bottles.


I know I'm bad but these are my extras:


-Dummies (I know I shouldn't but it's only for the first year until it starts developing teeth).


- Sleeper. I had aweful exema when I was a baby and if our child has it too it will itch like mad so I'm hiding it's hands from it.


- Nail set. I'm really good at cutting nails as I helped bring up my cousins and sister so I just hope it doesn't squirm too much.


- bibs, boots, baby suite.


-My Grandmother is making me cardigans (sweaters that have buttons on) when we know what it is. I'm buying mostly unisex stuff so I can keep it for the next one. She's also knitting me blankets and teaching me how to make them myself. I started knitting a blanket because we are being suppersituous and not buying anything until I'm 3 months and know wheither my baby is a boy or girl.


I'm only going to buy a weeks worth of clothes and changes for though the day. I figure a baby will need to be changed 2-3 times in the day because they get dirty at feeding times and changing times.

I worked in a nusery when I was doing work experience for school and we asked the parents to have 1-2 changes of clothes for 3-8 month olds.

A stroler is a definate for me because I walk a lot of places.


Also I can't remember what they are called but when your running round with a cart you might want a baby carrier that wraps around your front so you can carry it close to your chest. It will make it easier for you to shop. But for newborns you want to make sure it has the correct head support.


Thats all I can think of right now. But if I get any more Ideas' I'll post them incase anyone else can use them too.

And thanks for all the ideas you guys gave me while helping someone else

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I agree this thread is great - I just rated it a 5-star. It's really going to be a helpful resource when I actually compile my wish-list. Thanks SouthernGirl for the bassonette feedback. I was having doubts, but now I'm sure to get it.

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Also I can't remember what they are called but when your running round with a cart you might want a baby carrier that wraps around your front so you can carry it close to your chest. It will make it easier for you to shop. But for newborns you want to make sure it has the correct head support.



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I have kind of an anti-recommendation just because I'm super frustrated with this particular product right now...


The NICU my son was in used these pacifiers called link removed that are better for a preemie's mouth and easier for them to suck on. I thought they only had them in the NICU for preemies, but I've visited a few friends who have had babies since my son got out of the hospital, and they were given Soothies as well as the regular orthodontic pacifiers.


If you have a choice, DO NOT let your child use the Soothies if your hospital's nursery gives them to you. They are absolutely addictive, and any time I try to give my son another kind of pacifier, he spits it accross the room, yes, literally. He's done it three times. Soothies aren't bad pacifiers, by any means, and I'm not anti-pacifier, but they're very hard to find and very expensive. My son also has a hard time keeping his in his mouth.


Okey dokey. Just thought I'd put that out there.


Oh, also, I don't recommend you have your baby 3 months early. Also VERY inconvenient. Much more so than the Soothies.

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HEY! Batteries!!!! Start buying them now if you see them on sale, preggos. All sizes. Buy them at Sam's or Costco or whatever wholesale store you belong to. Buy them now, love them later. I have used more D batteries than I could have ever thought possible, and my fair share of AA and AAA batteries as well. My son's travel swing takes C batteries, but he only used that for a short time.

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My toddler had the same problem with pacifiers!!! I was able to find one with a similar nipple that he liked... or tolerated.


While Im typing this I am browsing 'target' to see if I can find it. It was real funny looking.


Why would the hospital give my son a paci that was hard to find? blah it made it so difficult to get him to take any other kind... he simply wouldnt have any of it!


My daughter on the other hand, when she was born I brought a nuk pacifier with me to the hospital that I had pre-sterilized and kept in a ziplock bag. She wasnt given the one from the hospital no way... Now with her I was smarter... so yes ladies.... bring your own pacifier! BYOP!

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My sister-in-law uses these funky looking ones that are supposed to be closer to what a nipple would be like I guess so they don't get confused...have you heard of them? I didn't see them when I registered but they are like circles with a little tab on the outside...they're really weird.


Good information ladies!!

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My sister-in-law uses these funky looking ones that are supposed to be closer to what a nipple would be like I guess so they don't get confused...have you heard of them? I didn't see them when I registered but they are like circles with a little tab on the outside...they're really weird.


Good information ladies!!


That is the same funny looking one that I bought. I think it was at *gasp* walmart was the only place we could find them. They only come in one color too... blue and red... The nuk ones are so much prettier looking and come in such a variety of designs so I am glad that my little miss here is using it!

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That is the same funny looking one that I bought. I think it was at *gasp* walmart was the only place we could find them. They only come in one color too... blue and red... The nuk ones are so much prettier looking and come in such a variety of designs so I am glad that my little miss here is using it!


LOL I love Walmart, so shoot me.


My SIL says those are the best...but I really haven't seen any of her kids take them for more than 3 minutes at a time and they don't take any other ones either. I'm not sure if it's just her kids or what, but I registered for all the ones that caught my eye.

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I remember there was some talk in this thread about whether or not it's safe to have an infant sleep in your bed. I saw this product (a "co-sleeper) and I thought it was cool:


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It's allows the baby to sleep "next to you" however ,they are separate and protected enough to be safe from rollovers or smothering/suffocation.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for your input.


This is exactly what I'm afraid of - buying stuff that doesn't get used and takes up space. I like simplicity and don't want a bunch of useless baby stuff filling up my apartment. I would probably just throw it out (or give it away) in the end, and then feel wasteful.


Although I think I just might have to go out and buy a burberry diaper bag because I'm a sucker for designer bags.


My sister says babies are a girl's greatest accessory.. He he.



Dang, I just now reread this thread and am creating a shopping list..... and LOOK, you even referenced the bag HERE!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY YOU GOT IT!!!

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT take your baby into bed with you. It is absolutely the worst risk to take. I have seen the awful consequences of it and oh my god, I will never ever forget it, let alone the parents. There is NO safe way to have your baby sleeping in your bed with you. NONE at all.

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I've compiled my list using the tremendous help of all the posters in this thread. THANK YOU ALL. Here is what I have so far:


Expen$ive Items Up for Serious Consideration (must-haves)

1) 3 in 1 carseat by Graco with extra Graco base for Robert's car ($220)

2) PacknPlay by Graco ($200) or lesser variety $80

3) Bath ($5 from friend)

4) Swing ($15 from friend)

5) Baby monitor (Robert and I think this is a pretty handy little convenience and we MAY even splurge on video - $50-$200)

6) Mattress for Crib ($100)

7) Bedding for Crib ($100)


Items up for considerations (want-to-haves)

6) Baby Glider ($130)

7) Harness like Bjorne ($40)

8) Harness - sling ($30)

9) Boppy - $25

10) high-chair - $80

11) breast pump - $300


Miscellaneous stuff we might get at shower

11) nail clippers (baby)

12) gloves

13) sleepers

14) baby shampoo/soap

15) diapers/wipes

16) treatment of diaper rash: Resinol, Lanisol, Desinide (antifungal)

17) barriers: Balmex, anything with Zinc Oxide, Boudreux's Butt Cream

18) Q-tips and R-OH for umbilical chord

19) receiving blankets

20) Pedialyte

21) baby Tylenol

22) Mylicon drops

23) Gentle Naturals

24) changing matts

25) hand sanitizer/sterilizer

26) Covered waste baskets (2)

27) crib mobile

28) baby proof items - 9 months

29) rectal baby thermometer (digital)

30) clothes (onesies, hats, dresses)

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