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should i be running out to walmart?


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I still haven't purchased anything. I have a few blankets, washcloths, sleepers and socks. And I've picked up a couple of little toys. My mom bought me lots of cloth diapers.


But I have basically nothing else. It's not that I can't afford it, I just don't see why I should buy a whole bunch of stuff. I mean, the baby can sleep in my bed, and a workmate is giving me her stroller.


Women who have had kids tell me that I shouldn't bother buying more stuff. They say that I'll get pretty much everything I need given to me, and if I find that there's more I need then I can buy it later.


But the other pregnant women I've met online are going on a shopping frenzy, spending hundreds, even thousands of dollars getting ready for baby.


What about the preggos in here?

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I'm not pregnant Hazey - but DO have 3 little kids.


I think you'll find you'll do JUST fine. You can always make do. Always.


If you find you need something along the way, there are consignment shops, dollar stores, and all kinds of Goodwills. Take things as they come. You'll be just fine.

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I am definently suffering from the same thing.


This is the first time I'm going to be a mom so I have really not a clue as to what I'll need. But I'm the "always be prepared" type so I've been freaking out.


I did actually go to walmart while they had a sale and picked up a carseat/stroller that was on sale and a pack & play that matched, which would be where the baby would sleep. Other than that, I really haven't bought anything. I got baby bedding but returned it.


I'm 31 weeks now and freaking out thinking I don't have anything, but I'm holding off. I'm having a baby shower and will get a bunch of stuff then, but I'm planning on buying what I need when I need it.


I'm stressing though.

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well ladies - don't stress!!!


That's not good for the babies.


I promise, you'll see. You're not going to be stuck in despearate need.


If you have a blanket and breasts, you've got everything you need. Something to keep the baby warm, and something to keep him fed, what else is there? Newborns will sleep anywhere and everywhere!

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I agree with the general sentiment of not rushing out to buy too much. The essentail things I think are,


a cot...I'd really think hard about having the baby sleep in your bed. You can be setting yourself up for a long term arrangement.


A change table...this may seem like an unnecessary item but they are a godsend, somewhere you can store all the nappies, wipes ,lotions etc etc and have them close to hand whilst changng the baby.


A bassinet...the baby should have a place during the day that it can lie in and be clsoe to you and dad.


Otherwise I think the rest is not really necessary.

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Things I couldnt live without with my kids, and now having my third.


A baby swing. Ohhhhh whoever made this was such a smartie! I can put the baby in the swing, and watch them swing while I cook, shower, change clothes... etc etc etc... I can put the baby in the swing when she/he is fussy and it has this calming effect alot of times.


A carseat for the car... Yeah, its also the law in most places, unless of course you plan to walk everywhere.


A crib.. of course. There have been so many babies that have smothered to death by sleeping with their parents. If they are not old enough to turn their face away to get air, pillows and blankets can smother them too, so cribs/bassinets are the safest route. I prefer a cosleeping arrangement for the first five-six months or so, where the baby is in my room but in their own bed next to me. I can see them and hear them and I sleep better knowing they are 'safe' next to me.


These are a few of my favorite things...

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What my husband and I did was get the stuff we knew we needed and definitely wanted before the baby came home, and then sat back and let the flow of gifts come in, and since the baby's been home we've just been buying things as we feel we need them. It's worked out GREAT. Before he came home, we bought a crib for his room, a Pack n Play to serve as a bassinet in our room, and a changing table. We got a crazy amount of stuff from our friends and family. Soooo many newborn clothes - I only had to do his laundry every 3 weeks or so. My aunt had a son in January and had her tubes tied, so she passed on all of his 0-3 month clothes to me. Then, my sister's friend had a baby and swore off having any more ever, so she gave me a swing (which is the love of my life), a travel swing, a bouncy seat, and a bottle sterilizer (which I've never used).


I think a lot of pregnant women get super excited and want to have everything prepared and just plain love shopping for their kids. That's not a bad thing, and in some cases, it's better, since you won't have a lot of time to shop after the baby's born. But if you don't feel like it, there's nothing wrong with that either. Get the stuff you feel you need, and as you discover a need for something after the baby's born, buy it then!


If I may recommend something though - I'm not for or against co-sleeping - to each her own (link removed) - but can I recommend you get a pad or something for your baby to sleep on in the bed? Diapers leak (and downright explode!!!!) and it'd just be a much easier cleanup if you had a pad for the baby to sleep on. You could also buy a co-sleeper link removed to pop right next to the bed for maximum explosion protection. My son sleeps in his own bed normally, but every once in a while I'll bring him in for a daytime nap/snuggle time. (I love doing that.) His diaper leaked once and it took quite a while to clean up that mess. Now if I do bring him in for a snuggle, I make sure he's on top of a changing pad.


Also, you didn't mention a car seat, are you getting one of those? That's one thing you'll definitely need.

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Are you having a baby shower?


If you are, I would register for the things that you need and then after the shower, whatever is left over that you don't get that you feel that you do need, go ahead and get.


I have friends who got a tremendous, ricidulous amount of stuff at their baby shower (good thing, as their baby is 8 months old now and they are expecting again), but if you do have a shower, you may end up getting much of what you need.

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Thanks for your advice everyone. The advice about having a pad on my bed was really good - I probably wouldn't have thought of that.


Baby will sleep with me at first. I am aware of the conflicting evidence, and I know the precautions to take (Not having bedding around baby, not drinking alcohol before going to bed, etc...). When baby is 4 months old, we will go to live with her dad. At that point we will get a crib. But I really appreciate everyone's warnings on this topic.



Oh, and about the anti-walmart threads - I didn't get a chance to read them before they were deleted, but that's probably the last place I would have actually gone. Walmart does suck!

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Hazey, If going shopping crazy is not the thing for you, don't sweat it.


Some of us just can't wait to start our childrens life with everything under the sun. And that's okay. But there really are only a few things that you "have to" have.


I know a couple things I couldn't live without though!

Carseat of course - Swing - Bassinet - Boppy Seat - Baby Bath

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? Do you use public transportation?


No, I have a passion hatred for buses and subways.


I've always lived downtown and walked anywhere I go (I've always lived within a couple of blocks from work and/or school). If I have to go far, I take a taxi.


But we will buy a car next summer.

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I see! I envy you - I'd love to never have to drive!


If you have to take a taxi, you'll need a car seat. The infant seats are nice to have. Did you say you got a stroller with the infant seat?


This is a problem I hadn't considered.


My workmate is giving me a newborn stroller with the detachable carseat. However, my friend warned me that something like 80% of all carseats are installed incorrectly. She said I should get it installed by a professional, and then never take it out again.

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I disagree.


We often have safety seat checks here where we can voluntarily go to the police station / hospital / fire dept and they determine whether the carseat is put in correctly or show you the correct way.


I suggest you make an appt to have the correct way shown to you and you will be good to go. (I'm sure they could use one of their cars as an example)


The infant seat is made to use in the car, in the stroller, during shopping trips. Even grocery shopping is difficult without it (if you take along a newborn.)


I've haven't heard of many people "not" using one of these infant seat/carriers. I can't imagine "not" having the infant seat basically. Of course you could get the cloth carriers to use during shopping trips but definitely will need an infant carrier for the possible taxi trips.

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I'm totally excited. The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is automatically rub my belly. And I just got ultrasound pics where you can see the profile of his/her face. (Looks just like his dad, and nothing like me).


For me, excitement just doesn't translate to going out and buying all kinds of stuff.


Although I do already have about 30 presents under the christmas tree for baby and my fiance... Just cheap cute stuff though.

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LOL - Only 30? Many women do get caught up in buying every little thing that "might" be needed. Others do not. Sounds like you are pretty practical?


Can you scan the ultrasound pic? I'd love to see it but I've heard scanning can ruin them? (Didn't ruin mine when I scanned it.)

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