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Girl cum... a little graphic


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Okay so I had never had an orgasm during sex until my current partner. Of course, I had them by myself. Now, my man has a huge weiner. And our sex is like nothing I could have ever imagined. I orgasm every time we have sex.


Sometimes I will cum ALOT, like alot of fluid. My partner loves it, but it weirds me out sometimes. I wonder if other women squirt out as much as I do, or am I just peeing??????? I don't think its pee, because even if I pee before sex I still get it. But its SO much sometimes I wonder...



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Oh no, welcome to the wonderful world of female ejaculation!


I learned how to do it with my recent ex too. It's completely normal. Once I got over the "weirdness" of it, I can fully enjoy it. It was really weird at first, cause it would soak everything. But we rented a porn with girls doing it and I felt so much better.


I did do it once with a partner a looooong time ago and he made a big deal saying I peed on him. embarrassing.


Also, it happened A LOT more once I entered my second trimester, but it died off later on.


So relax...it's normal.

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Woot woot thanks BTR! Yah, sometimes I soak everything... like we have to change the sheets. Shoebaby, I don't know how to describe it. And if you google it you will just get a bunch of porn. I don't know if its because my man is equipped or if he is just good. But he said he never made a girl cum like that before either... team work I guess. But I think that its mostly a result of G-spot simulation rather than clitoral.

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I've read that you can train yourself to do it but I'm not sure how to. I'd like to know how because I've also read that it can intensify your orgasms. According to most guys I've talked to, a majority find it very hot and any guy who thinks you "peed" on him is an idiot.

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I've read that you can train yourself to do it but I'm not sure how to. I'd like to know how because I've also read that it can intensify your orgasms. According to most guys I've talked to, a majority find it very hot and any guy who thinks you "peed" on him is an idiot.


Yeah I agree. My most recent BF (the one who made me do it) said that the other guy had no idea what he was experiencing and he totally missed out, lol. When I did it with my last bf, he used his hand at first and it got EVERYWHERE. I felt like a freak but can appreciate it now. He liked it a lot though, so that helped.


ANYWAYS, female ejaculation 101.


It's definently g-spot stimulation that gets it. You have to train yourself to recongnize this feeling and do all the "tilt" work required while having sex to his that spot, unless the guy miraculously hits it, like scarew's.


But it's easiest to start with a hand...the guy puts his middle two fingers in you, palm up. Then he makes that "come here" motion, and he should feel the g-spot(it should feel bumpy and get swollen the more it's played with). Then he starts going really slow at first, then faster and faster once it feels better. It gets really tiring for the guy, but it's definently worth it.


It also feels like the girl is going to pee. I suggest you try going to the bathroom beforehand, because sometimes you try to hold back the sensation and you miss out on an awesome orgasm. So if it feels like it, just let it go.


It sometimes takes practice at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's awesome.


Hope that helps!

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Damn, this is getting me hot. Thanks for the instructions. I have had the stimilation before and recognize that feeling and love it but not sure anyone I've been with knows how to hit that spot. I am going to issue orders.

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Sorry to tell you but it has nothing to do with your bf's penis, it's all about angles. You just have to find a postion that stimulates the g spot and then a girl will "squirt".



It's definently g-spot stimulation that gets it. You have to train yourself to recongnize this feeling and do all the "tilt" work required while having sex to hits that spot


But it does just happen once you train yourself and if the guy is bigger. Bigger = more coverage, if you will, lol.

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But it does just happen once you train yourself and if the guy is bigger. Bigger = more coverage, if you will, lol.



sure it can help but I just wanted to reiterate that it is not necessary that the guy have a larger penis to get a girl to ejaculate. For example I know of a technique that was handed down to me, that only takes two fingers and can get a girl to ejaculate in less than 15 seconds.

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sure it can help but I just wanted to reiterate that it is not necessary that the guy have a larger penis to get a girl to ejaculate. For example I know of a technique that was handed down to me, that only takes two fingers and can get a girl to ejaculate in less than 15 seconds.


Yeah that's the one I wrote about!! Since people wanted to know how to do it, I think it'd be cool if you filled in details from a guy's pov about it.


If not, that's cool. That technique is awesome.

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thanks for the female ejaculation 101 BTR.. I'm definitely going to try this on Thursday night when I next see my boyfriend gives me something to look forward to!! (along with his company, of course )


LOL No problem! Good luck!


To answer babycarrot:

I did it to myself before but I needed a toy. Otherwise it's almost impossible to hit that spot without breaking your wrist. And even if you do hit it, it's really hard to keep the momentum going long enough because it's really uncomfortable.

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For example I know of a technique that was handed down to me, that only takes two fingers and can get a girl to ejaculate in less than 15 seconds.


That's all it takes for me. I used to be embarrassed, and I still feel kind of bad about the mess, but my girlfriend takes it as a compliment every time it happens (which is probably about 75% of the time).

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ok well i must say i dont think this has ever happened to me before ayy but i do have orgasms.. and randomly when im on the toilet ill see little whitey yellow spots of creamy fluid and i dont know what it is its always there now i alwyas get it .. even if im not having sex ??

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But it's easiest to start with a hand...the guy puts his middle two fingers in you, palm up. Then he makes that "come here" motion, and he should feel the g-spot(it should feel bumpy and get swollen the more it's played with). Then he starts going really slow at first, then faster and faster once it feels better. It gets really tiring for the guy, but it's definently worth it.


I am so going to try that out on Thursday night. Even if it doesn't work, I'm sure she'll appreciate the effort Hope my fingers don't get too tired.

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