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need to lose weight from breasts


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hi.. i m 21 my vital stats are 36 30 40... recently i have put on lot of weight about 10 pound and because of this my breasts are becoming larger could anyone please recommend a diet or excercise that will help me reduce weight from my breasts please its been causing a lot of worry my waist and thighs are all fine

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Unfortunately with weight loss, you cannot target spots.


As scientists like to call it, there is no such thing as spot reductions.


What you can do however is to build your chest muscle, pectoralis muscle and that will help with toning that area, but you cannot target that area alone.


The chest press is a great exercise, and push ups will do wonders if you don't have a gym. You know how you see men with great chests, that is because they work their pectoralis muscle. Woman can do the same to keep an elevated, toned, and perkier chest.


Hugs, Rose

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Sorry, but there is NO way you can spot-reduce.


Your weight gain (and consequently weight loss) patterns are genetically determined, and short of plastic surgery, you cannot fight that.


You can, however, change your attitude about it. Think about all the women who are undergoing surgery just to make their breasts bigger.

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I have no idea how lemon with honey and water would work, that's sugar which would just make you hyper, not really a great weight loss option, more of an old-wives tale.


If you want to lose weight, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, multi-grain wheat bread, cut out bad carbs, fatty foods, and drink only water, no soft-drinks, and a little caffeine helps to speed up metabolism, before you exercise.


Remember if any weight loss miracle sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


If you exercise, you will most likely lose weight everywhere except your breasts first, since it seems genetically that's where your fat is targeted. I store fat in my thighs, so I had to lose about 30lbs before I started losing anything in my thighs, but each person has a slightly different genetic makeup so definitely try some dietary changes and exercise including many pushups.


Hugs, Rose

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be grateful if goes on your breasts and is in proportion.


I know how it feels, I am a bra size 34J! my waist is a 14 and my hips are a 16. weight wise i'm very overweight, but to look at me most men say i am sexy and curvy. most of my friends that are overwight pile it on their bums and thighs and continue to have no bust.


believe me i know its horrid when you dont want big boobs and people say "loads of people would pay thousands for yours!!" and builders shout "blimey!! you dont get many of them in a pound!!" (or is that just an English thing? ha ha)


Concentrate on losing weight all over (i dont! i'm hopeless!) and your bust will decrease.


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The water will be good to keep you hydrated, the lemon a nice flavor, the bee vomit is all sugar so it won't do anything but be a sugar. I hope that's not an all day diet idea because that is insane. Rapid weight loss is unhealthy and dangerous. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to modify your life style by eating a more balanced diet and exercising more. Fad diets are good for making some one rich and damaging your body.

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yeah, you definitely can't "spot target." I am the kind of person that gains weight evenly accross my body, so the downside is that I need to lose 15 pounds before anyone notices a thing!


crash diets, nah... just focus on eating healthy. at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. instead of pie for dessert, eat fruit salad. most people don't even get 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day. grilled chicken breast. work out for at least 30 minutes a day. drink plenty of water.


good luck!

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everybody has areas that gain weight first... some people breasts, other thighs, etc. so if you put weight on first in your breasts, you will also lose it first there, so if you get your weight back down, that will solve the problem.


btw, a sudden unexpected increase in breast size can also mean you are pregnant... even flat chested girls can get quite large from the hormone changes in early pregnancy... so if you haven't been eating more, check for pregnancy or some other hormone change like starting birth control pills...

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If you are already fit and taking care of yourself, and you just have a larger chest : I relate. No matter how slim and hard I get, my boobs do not reduce. It's frustrating, but it is simply my body composition.


My advice: get several excellent bras. I'm not kidding. Go to a specialty shop, get measured, and find bras that work for you.


And then be proud of your curves. Rock it.

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If you are already fit and taking care of yourself, and you just have a larger chest : I relate. No matter how slim and hard I get, my boobs do not reduce. It's frustrating, but it is simply my body composition.


My advice: get several excellent bras. I'm not kidding. Go to a specialty shop, get measured, and find bras that work for you.


And then be proud of your curves. Rock it.


thank u

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