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Do birth control pills make girls more tired?

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I have a question that maybe some of you can answer (especially the ladies).


It seems that ever since my g/f started taking the pill, she began falling asleep earlier at night.


Nowadays, it's a miracle if she's able to stay awake past midnight.


She's normally a morning person and not a night person (total opposite of me), but I wonder why she can't stay up most of the time past 11 PM. She's taking 3 classes in college and works part-time, which isn't so bad. Even my mom who works full time and wakes up at 6AM is able to last until midnight most of the time.


Could it also be because of a lack of exercise? Most people think that exercising makes you very physically tired and thus makes you want to rest/sleep more. But I've heard that the opposite is true - that Lack of exercise makes you more tired and bed-prone. My girlfriend NEVER exercises.. it's just something that some girls are just not interested in. I've actually had a string of ex girlfriends that have disliked working out.


I wonder if it could also be bad eating habits? She tends to eat a lot of sweets and other junk that could be contributing to this.


So my question is: what could be the cause of this? She seems to get enough sleep each night (tends to sleep, on average, about 8 hours a night). I want to get to the root of this because she comes over my house a lot and just falls asleep all the time - it's getting a bit annoying.


Thanks in advance

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I'm really thankful that she's healthy.. that's not the point.. to make the long story short, she comes over to my house a zillion times more than I go over to hers.. She gets on the bed and before I even know it, she's snoring.. Sometimes this upsets me because I want to be with her.. if she's here sleeping, in a way it's like she's not even here. Sometimes I take advantage and cuddle with her, but let's face it.. I'm not sleepy half the times she is. So it makes me question sometimes "If you're going to be here sleeping, why not go home?"


I wouldn't mind this happening once in a while, but it gets to the point of happening every time she's here.

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Generally it's the wedding cake that makes most women tired....JK


It could be the pill...it could be a lot of things.


Not getting enough 'good' sleep

Too much stress

The pill she is on

Not enough exercise


It could be anything. Why not ask her why she is so tired all the time. It sounds as tho you both have different schedules. Perhaps you could rearrange your to meet hers.

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