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Ugh, What do I do?

ToxiC SweateR

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Ok so here's the low-down...


My girlfriend and I have been on a break since Nov. 28th, and I really feel HORRIBLE. I honestly think i've cried every single night, thinking that this may be the end.


We mutually decided that this break was necessary, as we have been basically seeing eachother EVERY DAY for the past two and a half months. We both were getting very stressed out and needed some space.


Our break parameters are this: no affection (kissing & holding hands, etc, "i love yous" still okay), and hanging out with more friends. If this isn't your definition of a break, please don't crucify me for mine. So, for almost a week now, we've done just that. No affection, and hung out with alot more friends.


However, I can't help but get the feeling that she's losing interest in me. She assures me, promises me that she's not, and I believe her. My brain believes her, but for some reason my heart doesn't. It just really seems like she could care less about my well being, or if I came to see her. For example, I came to see her today. The conversation was this: I told her I was there, and I got an "Okay..." (you know the kind, where you can hear the "and?" right on the tip of their tongue). I know it may seem like nothing to you, but she has never acted this way before.


She says that she doesn't even have a reason for all these changes that have been occurring. She says her whole attitude on everything has changed. Maybe I'm just overreacting, maybe I'm not giving it enough time. I'm not going to break up with her, and I know she wouldn't break up with me either (please, don't ask why).


Do I just need to continue to let this break run it's course? I'm just really fed up with the sleepless nights and the tears. It's taking it's toll on me, greatly. I love her so much...I don't want to lose her. I just don't know what to do anymore.

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Sadly it sounds like you and her might not be on the same page anymore. From what you wrote it sounds like she is trying to detach and possably just can not close the deal because she knows it will crush you. You should probably break it off now, if she really wants to be with you she will come back. I know this is easire said then done but the sleepless nights will not stop until you know the truth and can move on.

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maybe you two need to find out what is really wrong with the relationship, instead of just concentrating on being apart. my bf and i are together every single day (and, yes, we fight a lot and say things we don't really mean).


i understand about the pain and the tears, but i think you should be open to her, tell her the way you feel. if she seems like she couldn't care less or if she says so, maybe you need to move on and seek happiness on your own.

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