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Dear heart


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This is a peom i wrote a while ago i just found it when i was going through some stuff.Hope you like it


Dear heart,

Prepared to be shattered.

Because I'm slowing losing,

The only thing that matered.


Dear my eyes,

Who see him flirting around.

I'm fading away,

Without a sound.


Dear my ears,

Who hear every sound i dont make.

Oh dear heart,

Please don't break.


Dear my eyes again,

Please dont cry.

Dear my hand,

Please wave good bye.


Dear my wrist,

Why do you bleed?

Do you think your doing dear heart,

A good deed?


Dear my mouth,

Which crys in pain.

Compared to heart,

You are so vain.


Dear my feet,

Who have started to run.

Stop because brain has decided,

My time is done.

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I've read that one before. Your an amazing person Liz never forget that. Without you i don't know where i'd be i love ya heaps. Your one of the best friends a mate could ever have. I'll never forget ya, After school, or whatever. K Well cya when i do...


Great poem, shows so much truth and i've felt like that so much.

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