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Oral Sex: Men Have it Way Better!


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When it comes to oral sex men have it better. Here is why.


Take a standard blowjob.


1) Women tire easily if they aren't careful. The work can make their hands, jaw head and neck hurt. I rarely hear men complain of this.

2) The taste she will get will be a little salty early on. Then it will be at best very mildly pleasant at the end. At worst it will be either a bad neutral or flat out nasty.

3) Most men can only achieve one orgasm at a time.


Now lets look at cunnilingus for a brief moment.


1) With every lick a man gets a wonderful, sweet sensation that goes from the tip of his tongue straight to his brain with maybe one minor detour. Nothing beats the taste of a woman! At worst if she is clean, the taste is neutral. At best it is complete heaven on earth. Compare this to the taste of a man above! Not fair.

2) A woman can have multiple orgasms sometimes easily. Many people like give oral sex purely for the pleasure it brings their partner. And a man's reward can include many little orgasms or several powerful ones. Once again, compare to above.

3) Many men can give oral sex for a minimum of a half hour no problem. We don't even get tired. I'd say fewer women would give a constant blowjob for that long! More breaks and handwork are needed.

4) It is easier to stimulate the gspot giving oral to a woman than for her to stimulate the mspot in a man. Women are also more open about anal stimulation than men. Another good place to work with!


From the threads I have read and the real life experiences I have shared, I can understand why women may not physically want to give oral as much as men do. I am speaking from a purely physical standpoint here. I know there are many men out there who have a pyschological distaste for it. To each their own. But thinking about it mentally, I don't see that either sex has the a psychological advantage or disadvantage. Physically, I think there is a big disparity.


Comments. Have any of you noticed this specifically before?

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1.) Guys just don't complain about it. Our jaws, tongue, neck can get just as tired.

2.) I really don't think there is a difference in the quality of taste...

3.) One orgasm at a time means more foreplay needed to build towards the second one. Bonus.

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1.) Guys just don't complain about it. Our jaws, tongue, neck can get just as tired.

2.) I really don't think there is a difference in the quality of taste...

3.) One orgasm at a time means more foreplay needed to build towards the second one. Bonus.


1) You are right. We can get just as tired. Maybe we notice it but don't complain as much. I still think women get tired sooner ceteris paribus. Maybe I am wrong.

2) I think there is a huge difference. And I think that is one of the biggest reasons why it may be far better for men. The taste reward just isn't the same for women 'on average'. How many posts do you hear about how wonderful a man tastes? Compared to the taste of a woman? I have to stand my ground here.

3) Good point. I am however talking about the pure physical enjoyment of the act. More foreplay is getting beyond the act.


I can also add a counterpoint in favor of giving blowjobs. Accessibility. I often wish it were easier to get in position for cunnilingus.

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It takes women FAR longer to cum from oral than it does men (generally speaking)... and mens tongues get sore too...


You two have me on the first point. Yes men can get just as tired. I wasn't considering that it takes women so much longer.


I just never hear men complain as jsx noted.

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I'll take a peach if you don't mind =D


As it stands I have to concede point 1. Men can get just as tired as women. I also have to admit the multiple orgasm thing isn't what I consider a huge factor. But put points 3 and 4 together and you have a little something imo.


But I still think taste is a pretty huge advantage that men have. It is an attraction device. Trust me! The taste for a woman is either bad, neutral or at best mildly pleasant. Nothing like what you can get from a woman!

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i have never seen any data to back #3. in my own anecdotal experience, a half-hour BJ is common, but if it took me that long to satisfy a woman orally i'd think something was amiss.


#4 is true, but again a false comparison. as much as g-spot stimulation can be fun, it would seem to benefit the woman more.


as far as flavor goes, surely you realize that it's entirely subjective. i know one lady who likes the taste of a man so much that she has hands-free orgasms while she's at it. do you think that she would really prefer the taste of vagina in a side-by-side comparison?

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I have to say I've never been that crazy about the taste. Nor the smell. Not that I blame the women I've gone down on, they were perfectly healthy and clean people, but you know... that's just one of those body parts where sweat accumulates and dries, and I've never really enjoyed the flavor of it.


I do enjoy giving a woman oral sex, but it's always been in spite of the taste rather than because of it. The first woman I ever went down on, made a "taco dip" for dinner the next day. I couldn't eat it, because the flavor reminded me of... that! In fact I'll never be able to eat taco dip again

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i have never seen any data to back #3. in my own anecdotal experience, a half-hour BJ is common, but if it took me that long to satisfy a woman orally i'd think something was amiss.


I think the only thing constructive we can say wrt to time to orgasm is that 'on average' it takes a woman FAR longer to get there than it does a man as noted before.


There isn't any data to back up number three really. I am going on common sense with number 3. Most men are "one and done" or they can get it up again in a few minutes but it takes longer to finish. most don't even know how to do multiple orgasms. Women can have many orgasms. And my point with that is purely that people who enjoy watching and feeling their partner have the pleasure of orgasm....men watch this many many more times in a given 'session' than a woman ever could. The orgasms can last longer too. A woman will outmatch a man 'on average' when it comes to orgasms any day. There is data on this. Number of consecutive female orgasms or something like that. Women win out.

#4 is true, but again a false comparison. as much as g-spot stimulation can be fun, it would seem to benefit the woman more.

It won't benefit a woman more than mspot stimulation will on a man imo. It is just a matter of being able to get to it! It is easier to get to the gspot, so it is easier to bring a woman pleasure that way. And harder to get there on a man's body. Keep in mind I am talking about the physical pleasures of giving here.

as far as flavor goes, surely you realize that it's entirely subjective. i know one lady who likes the taste of a man so much that she has hands-free orgasms while she's at it. do you think that she would really prefer the taste of vagina in a side-by-side comparison?


Of course she wouldn't prefer the taste of a vagina in a side to side comparison. But I still think you can make a different comparison. If you look at it as 'how good can it get?'. I'd say the scale goes pretty high for a man. And there are many men who love the taste. It can be really sweet. I notice far fewer women who can honestly say the same about a man. And most importantly, they often don't even get a real taste until the point of orgasm! pre-cum is more salty than anything and very mild. Every single lick during cunnilingus can be a sweetness from heaven. That doesn't happen giving a blowjob.

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I think oral is practically the same on both ends. It is unfair to claim that one is easier than the other. Such statements are too far too spanning to be true and easily lead to weird illogical arguments concerning oral sex. It all depends on the people involved.


Yes, I always get nailed everytime I try to make a generalization or say anything 'on average' without being able to back it up with stats.


And a lot of it for me has to do with the huge upside potential for the taste of women. I really don't think it is there for men 'on average'. Do you honestly think from what experience you have gleaned that a man is just as likely to taste as good as a woman? It just doesn't get as sweet. Moreover, there isn't much until it is over. Cunnilingus means if the taste is great you get it at every lick = more motivation due to taste when it is good.


I'll see if I can get any feedback from someone who has tasted a good many people...of both sexes. Someone bisexual. I'll ask around.


The argument as a whole may be weird and illogical to many readers. If so, I don't mind making the above point concerning taste my main point of contention actually. It is the strongest point I have in the argumentation.

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so what you're saying, Cardinal, is that you like the taste of a woman; thereforeeee, men have it better. i'm with you on the first part, but it's kind of a leap to the conclusion. a woman could come into this thread and argue exactly the reverse, and then where are we?

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Well......I've never known my cookie to sweat....as Grokker pointed out...lol...it doesn't 'accumulate' there either. But ahhhh, my husband loves doing it and has no complaints. In fact, he wants to do it every time...even when I'm not in the mood for it. huh.

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so what you're saying, Cardinal, is that you like the taste of a woman; thereforeeee, men have it better. i'm with you on the first part, but it's kind of a leap to the conclusion. a woman could come into this thread and argue exactly the reverse, and then where are we?


I see you point. And I am asking around to see if we can get some bisexual input here.


Let me make another stab at it.


I think the taste of a woman has the potential to be sweeter than the taste of a man 'on average'. Further, I thnk that a man can enjoy a taste that he finds to be good at every lick. A woman only gets precum until orgasm. And precum from what I understand is neutralish or a bit salty. I never hear about women rave of the taste of precum. I hear men rave about the taste of vagina quite often. Hence why I am seeing a higher upside potential.


I personally think men have it better when it comes to oral. But I realize that overall argument fails as a generalization now. That is why I am now changing my contention to the above and saying 'from a taste perspective purely' men have it better as long as the taste is > neutral. If it is subjectively


There is never as much precum as there is juices from a woman. So even if subjectively precum tastes better, women get very little of it. Assuming both taste great for a moment, men get more of good thing. And at every lick. Combine the upside potential (if true) with the accessibility of taste that the man gets to enjoy, and I say there is a taste advantage for men. Heck sometimes there isn't even any notable precum on guys.

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Yes, I always get nailed everytime I try to make a generalization or say anything 'on average' without being able to back it up with stats.


There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.


With that said, my experience has been that a woman can be just as salty and "gross" (incredibly subjective -- which makes this argument impossible in the first place) as men. It's all a matter of taste (no pun intended) and perception.

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In fact, he wants to do it every time...even when I'm not in the mood for it. huh.


He gets as much if not more pleasure from it than you do. I am this way too. I've never been with a woman who wanted to receive oral as much as I want to give it. So I have to admit my initial notion and comments are quite biased in some ways.


I know there are women who feel the same way about blowjobs. I think the world could use more oral sex givers that truly love it through and through. I certainly wouldn't complain on the receiving end if I found that kind of a match. I'd probably ask her to marry me tomorrow. The main argument in the marriage would center on 'who's turn is it now'.

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1) With every lick a man gets a wonderful, sweet sensation that goes from the tip of his tongue straight to his brain with maybe one minor detour. Nothing beats the taste of a woman! At worst if she is clean, the taste is neutral. At best it is complete heaven on earth.

Wow, I've never heard a man's take on cunnilingus, quite as poetically stated, as yours. I hope/wish that all men share your sentiment.

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This might be a bit off topic, but I wanted to add that although I truly love going down on my boyfriend, I rather dread when he's going to come because the taste is quite unappealing to me. I actually started to gag once but thank God he didn't notice! To me it tastes like a super salty warm egg yolk, and for a month or two it was really bitter to boot (and as someone who hates dark chocolate, coffee and all other things bitter, this was not good). Also, the pre-ejaculatory fluid tastes just like the rest, only there's less so it's not as strong. Interestingly, my friend says that her boyfriend's semen tastes rather sweet and I have another friend who was experimenting with how different foods affected the taste of his semen. It would appear that for him, pineapple juice made it really sweet (his girlfriend being the judge, of course).

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