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Long distance friendship and sex


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There are a lot of men that use friendship as a means for getting closer to women so they can have more serious relationships. Its not an unreasonable question. You should be prepared for anything that might happen. Being smart about how you act, anticipating what might happen and planning ahead what you might do are only smart tactics to keep you safe.

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This teasing has been going on for a year now because me and my online friend almost met last year. Everytime my family brought it up" we might have sex together".I would laugh but now.I'm wondering ..... I am not prepared period to have sex even if i plan to have sex with my male friend.I've never been on birth control and i haven't even decided do i want to go on the pill or patch yet. My male friend knows i'm a virgin and not on birth control.He's going to know something is up if by accident he find out i'm on contraceptives.

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I was in a sort of similar situation (not an online friend, just a guy I knew when he was an exchange student at my high school). 5 years later, he was flying out to see me. Only.... I was assuming we would have sex, and when I tried to make a move on him, he rebuffed me!!! I was shocked. he said we were just friends, that he flew out to be friends with me, not to fool around.


I told him I was shocked, that in the US, it is just assumed that a man flying thousands of miles to visit a woman would want sex. But, he said no, it is not at all like that where he is from (europe).


well, after all that uncomfortablness, we got past it, and had a really fun trip together... just as friends!!! no sex!

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If you are friends and willing to meet in person you should discuss whether the purpose is just as friends or whether his intention is to see if you should date. Even if you meet with the intention of possibly dating there is no reason to assume that he will want to have sex, especially if you meet him in a public place.

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