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how to tell a girl u want to kiss her with body language


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It depends on how close both of you are. Have you asked her to be your girl friend?


If both of you are close, kiss her hand or hair first.


Try to gently touch her lips with your hand, and see her reaction.


If she did not pull back, then you could go for it.

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get really close, but dont kiss her... i mean REALLY close... she will edge away if she doesnt want to... but she will kiss you if she does


This gets my vote.


Throughout your date, you could try sitting a little closer, being more tactile as in touching her hand a little or her shoulder quite casually but don't linger too long over it.

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dont block her into a corner or anything either

The power of physical obstructions, walls, trees, things like that, can be heavy. Instead of feeling like she is safe, she might feel like she is trapped


Private is good tho... huge open spaces make people feel a bit... exposed

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Does she know its a date? If she thinks its just 2 friends hanging out, then it would be a bad idea to try to kiss her. I would suggest asking her out on a real date and make sure she knows its a date. For ex. "Hi, , I would like to take you out on a date. Come have dinner with me on at on at


Something along those lines. If she knows its a date, then at the end of the date, give her a kiss.

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I suggest you NOT try to put any moves on her at all if you are going out as friends because she might react negatively. She might feel misled, deceived, etc. She might never trust you again. I have some dating experience and a LOT of experience being friends with women. Trying to put the moves on your friend while on a "friends" activity is dishonest and a recipe for losing a friend and ruining your reputation with all your mutual friends. Don't try it.


If you want to date her, and kiss her, etc, then be honest and ask her out for a date and use the word "date". Then you've been honest about your intentions. So if she's OK with that and goes on an official date with you, that is half a green light right there and a kiss might be possible later while on a date.


Then, if you want to kiss on a date, she probably won't be to shocked and she will feel you were honest since you are on an official date. Then whether the date works out, or not, you won't have violated your friendship because you didn't try to put moves on her when out with her as a friend. Do you see what I mean? This is about honesty and trust.


My first GF was my best friend years ago. At some point she decided she wanted to date me. She was dropping hints all over the place she later told me, but I was oblivious to most of them. The few hints I noticed really confused me because she was supposed to be my friend, not my GF. Finally she told me how she felt and asked me out on an official date. She used the word "date". Then I finally understood her better and knew better how to interpret her various moves. For a while, we still did some things "as friends" and other times went on "dates". This distinction helped us a lot in the beginning. Later we didn't need to specify anymore since we became fully comfortable with being both friends and romantic, but initially it was very helpful to keep the two separated by knowing in advance which activity was which.


If you want to go on a date with her, then ask her for a date and use the word "date" because it's honest and will remove confusion. You can still do "friends" activities other times. Eventually, if things work out, you will no longer need to specify. If the dating part does not work out, at least you probably still have your friend since you kept that part of your relationship separate (initially).


If she turns you down when you ask her for a date, then be thankful that you were a gentleman and asked her for the date instead of just trying to put moves on her. It's better to get turned down nicely when you were a gentleman, then to be turned down harshy when you tried to put illegal moves on her. Yes, I said illegal because the kissing attempt is not allowed on a "friend" activity with a friend. It would be OK to try and kiss on a date, if you can get a date with her. If you follow my advice, you may or may not get the date (or the kiss), but you'll probably keep your friend and your self respect, dignity, and her trust.

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get really close, but dont kiss her... i mean REALLY close... she will edge away if she doesnt want to... but she will kiss you if she does


Some of my platonic women friends get really physically close to me, or even touch me shoulder to shoulder, or otherwise, or hug me, etc. Yet I am certain they are only platonically friendly. I've asked them about it before and for sure, they are just friendly and their physical closeness indicates their level of trust and comfort and that they enjoy my company. It is NOT an invitation for me to try and kiss them or jump their bones.


When a woman is comfortable being physically close to a man, it does not indicate sexual interest or willingness on her part. What it indicates is that she is comfortable and trusts you.


Her comfort and trust might be only in a platonic "I like and trust you way", or it might be "I like and trust you and have romantic attraction". Who knows? The best way to know is by the context of the activity. Are you out as friends, or on a date? That is the best clue.


If on a "friends" activity, then just assume that close physical proximity means trust, not a desire for making out. Don't destroy that trust by making a serious mistake.


If on an official date, then close physical proximity still indicates trust, but also likely indicates romantic interest or willingness because she knows it's a date.


So once again, ask her on a "date" and use the word date. Then not only will she be better able to understand your behavior, but you also will be better able to understand hers. Honesty is the best policy. Asking her on a date is honest and it puts everything into context for both of you.

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Its pretty hard to confuse "friendly" close with "my lips are one inch away from yours" close...


You are correct when you put it that way. Hugging close, and arms touching close are not so easy to interpret.


But in your example above, you are correct that it would be obvious. However, how is she going to feel about "my lips are one inch away from yours" close if she thought they are just friends on a friends activity? We don't know how she's going to react. She might get upset. This is his friend. He doesn't want to risk losing his friend (I assume).


Wouldn't it be much more honest and far safer to ask her on a date and then try the "my lips are one inch away from yours" close? Then whether she will kiss with him or not, at least he's been honest so that she can't be to surprised or offended when he tries it. I think he'd be more likely to succeed if it was an official date. Also, it's safer for their friendship, IMO.


That's what I think based on having dated a friend before. Also based on having ruined a friendship or two before by not being honest. I've personally learned that honesty is the best policy. I think that asking her on a "date" would be the honest and safe way to go about this.

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