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Dating a mentally challenged/ill person


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Has anyone every dated a person who was mentally slow and ill? I was talking to an acquaintance on the phone today and he was telling me that one of the guys i wanted to ask out.He thinks he's "kinda" mentally slow and he also talks to himself.My acquaintance told me not to give this guy a dating chance.Would you?

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I think you shouldn't rule the guy out based on solely what your friend said. Just because your friend thinks that the guy is "kinda slow" doesn't mean that you'll find him to be that way. Maybe your friend is just impatient, who knows? And talking to himself doesn't necessarily indicate any kind of mental disability. I know plenty of people who will mutter something to themselves if they are under stress, or thinking out loud, or just trying to be funny. Yes, there is the possibility that he can't control his talking to himself, or that he does it in a creepy way (a friend once tried to set me up with someone who muttered spells under his breath!!!). But unless you get convincing evidence, I don't see why you shouldn't at least meet the guy and decide for yourself if he deserves a dating chance.

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This sounds like a good situation for a coffee date. Not too much involved and you get to talk a lot. I agree with laboheme, don't rule him out just based on what your friend thinks of him. IF you go there with those thoughts in your head, you will prob find fault in him someway. Keep an open mind.

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What does slow mean anyways? Does he talk slow? Maybe he is thinking over his thoughts before responding. Maybe he is too deep for his friend


I dunno, I don't like hearsay much. Misinterpretations happen. I would rather find out for myself and judge for myself.

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There was one time that i witness this guy talking to himself at the train stationand nobody was around.He was talking to himself and then he started to smiled.

I've only talk to this guy 2 times and each time his motor skills were slow but when he talks to other people.He doesn't have a problem talking to them.

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He might be....he might also have a serious mental illness. Schizophrenics talk to their hallucinations in public. They can have whole long conversations with them.


The problem with mental illness is that it makes it difficult for people to perceive reality and to connect with other people. If you don't get a great connection with this guy pretty much from the start, it's going to be more difficult to make that happen that it would be with another person who isn't quite as ill.


Reintroduce yourself, sure, but don't expect things that might not happen.

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