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Pregnancy cravings. Normal?


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Okay I'm going to sound like a weirdo.


I know cravings during pregnancy are entirely normal, some people even want to eat dirt. But I crave SMELLS, not tastes for the most part.


Like, I'll sit in my car for an extra 5 minutes at the gas station because I love the smell of gasoline. Or I'll put coffee grounds in a little bag so I can take them with me and smell them. Now I've been digging out the summer pool toys so I can smell that rubbery summer smell.


I feel like a freak! Has anyone ever heard of this...? (Please say yes and tell me your story!)

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO (actually my butt's to big at this point to laugh off)....


Sitting at the gas station to take in the extra aroma... too funny!


I don't crave the fragrance so much as the flavor of food now. I think my aversions are a thing of the past, but I still can't do Taco Bell or Wendy's - not because it physically upsets me, but because I think I'm ruined for life. I was eating that in my early pregnancy and my association reflex is so strongly correlated with those two dining establishments that I'll never be the same.


My cravings are often for fried foods (NOT GOOD, I KNOW) with tangy dressings. I usually despise fried foods and since I've been pregnant, it's what really sits well with me. Oh well.

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Well, I am NOT pregnant and I like the smell of some strange things too...like gasoline, and this pink ointment stuff that my mum used to slather on our bumps and bruises, and so on. And I will purposely sit there and smell it.


So no, you are not weird...at least not to ME.


Could be worse. When my mum was pregnant she used to eat raw flour.

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Calamine lotion... yes, I like that too.



If you were referring to my post, no not calamine lotion! I did not put name of it on here as most from this part of the world won't know it so it would be useless. We used to have it imported for us back from England when people visited there as you could not get it here.


I still get tubes of the stuff brought back (it used to come in tins though, and mum would use it for everything from diaper rash to burns, to scrapes and as I became a teenager realized it is great for acne too!).


It's called Germolene though, and is an ointment with anasthetic in it as well as an antiseptic of some sort, and smells very different than calamine!

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My sister's mother-in-law craved the smell of shoe polish while she was pregnant with my brother-in-law. Her husband said he had the shiniest shoes while she was pregnant, because she was constantly wanting to smell the stuff, so she'd buy it, use it, then buy more. Apparently, she went around looking for other things to polish, and polished a belt and a chair not realizing those things don't exactly take to polish very well... Several items of ruined clothing and she learned her lesson.


I've heard of women that will crave the smell of detergent... not the taste of it (though there are those too) but just the smell. It's very, very strange, the things our body will do to us during pregnancy!


I craved beer during my pregnancy. I hate beer, have never developed a taste for it. I'm a vodka girl myself. But one day I was at my office and caught a whiff of beer (one of those phantom smells) and couldn't get it out of my mind. Didn't drink any, but BOY did I want to. Of course, when I had my baby, I didn't want it anymore. Just as well, can't drink while you're breastfeeding anyway.

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I crave taco bell bean burritos with extra cheese........... I crave tuna fish sandwhiches........


For a while I was craving corned beef hash (canned) yuck!


Oh and I could eat at this local mexican restaurant near here almost daily if Mr would buy it! As it is, we are there at least every few weeks =-)

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I crave taco bell bean burritos with extra cheese........... I crave tuna fish sandwhiches........


For a while I was craving corned beef hash (canned) yuck!


Oh and I could eat at this local mexican restaurant near here almost daily if Mr would buy it! As it is, we are there at least every few weeks =-)


Oh yeah, I'm the same way about Mexican food. I can eat it everyday. So good and it just hits that spot...mmm....

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Oh yeah...


I also craved the smells!


Gasoline for me too! Everytime I gassed my car, I'd purposely put some on my hand so I could smell it all day.


Rubber and tires. In the midwest, we have a store called Farm & Fleet. Smells of cars and tires. LOVED going there just for the smells.


I was at a festival while preggo and they were demonstrating and running coal engines and steam engines. I didn't want to leave because that coal burning smelled so good.


Bleach! I craved the smell of bleach so bad I wanted to drink it. In fact, I did put a couple drops of bleach in my drinking water a few times just to kill a craving. My OB told me to not do that anymore.

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Everything made me sick during my first trimester. EVERYTHING. Even into my second, I didn't like anything aromatic. But now, I'm grooving on most things, just not fast-food leftovers that end up in my pod-mates trash bins. Alright, alright, I eat the crap too!

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If you were referring to my post, no not calamine lotion! I did not put name of it on here as most from this part of the world won't know it so it would be useless. We used to have it imported for us back from England when people visited there as you could not get it here.


I still get tubes of the stuff brought back (it used to come in tins though, and mum would use it for everything from diaper rash to burns, to scrapes and as I became a teenager realized it is great for acne too!).


It's called Germolene though, and is an ointment with anasthetic in it as well as an antiseptic of some sort, and smells very different than calamine!


Charming! I love hearing about new remedies. One I had never heard of before is teatree oil. God, Robert's family uses it for everything.


I just googled Germoline though and it's a neat little concoction. I don't recollect hearing about it before. I guess it has menthol and phenol in it which would definitely give it a different smell than calamine. It also has zinc oxide (like calamine) and salicylate for pain and plenty of lanolin.

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hehe - I loved (and love) the smell of gasoline as well. Funny that some scents made me want to vomit immediately but gas smell, I craved.


My mom told me she's heard of people craving (and eating) chalk! Long time ago!


Favorite food while pregnant with my son: Blizzards from Dairy Queen. And with my daughter, Nutter Butters! Couldn't get enough!

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Pica, like hazey_amber mentioned, is the craving for earthy or non-food items (dirt, chalk, flour, wood etc). It is common in pregnancy. It is suggested that it can be caused by bio-chemical imbalances (like iron or mineral deficiencies).


Favorite food while pregnant with my son: Blizzards from Dairy Queen.

THat was my sister's too. We had MANY ice cream runs!

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