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Getting tested

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Hey everyone, I'm looking for a bit of advice. A week ago I was at a party during which I may or may not have shared a drink with a girl that has oral herpes. Two other guys are in the same situation, one of which is scared to death. I had told my girlfriend about this but initially she wasn't worried and kissed me. So at that point we may both have had oral herpes, then just two nights ago we had both gotten pretty drunk and we had oral sex. In the morning we were both pretty scared but because of our current work schedule neither of us had gotten tested. I had tried to go yesterday but again got stuck at work. I'm planning to go to a free clinic tomorrow or the day after at the latest. I've read that it wouldn't show up on a blood test so soon and since I'm pretty sure I don't have any symptoms that would be my only option. How should I go about all this?

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You are most likely to contract oral herpes (Herpes Simplex) when there is a sore, or shortly before the sore appears in which the person who has it feels a tingling sensation on their skin, even though the sore is not visibile yet.


General Info about Herpes and Herpes Simplex:


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Did the person you shared a drink with have a sore at the time?


Honestly, what worres me the most about your post is that this stress was all caused by drinking (and probably drinking too much). First you're sharing a drink with someone at a party. Then you get drunk and have oral sex when you didn't intend to. I'm not trying to criticize you, I truly hope that you are ok. However maybe this will be a wake-up call to drink a little more responsibly? Drinking seems to be the common factor in difficulties you are facing in this situation.


My hunch: you probably didn't contract herpes simplex and you're going to be "ok".




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I used to have a real thing with drinking not so much anymore but I do see your point. She did not have any sores at the time nor does she now from what i hear. I don't seem to have any simptoms but I want to get it checked out anyway. What I wanted to know was would anything show up on a blood test so soon.

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