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im so mad!!!okay im gonna vent!!tonight my boyfriend had to go for his 3rd cat scan in 2 weeks. so i told him to call me when he got home.all night at work i watched my cell phone like a hawk and by the end of the night still no word so when my parents got to my work to pick me up i asked if he had called and they said they didnt know so i called and asked my brother and he said no. so an half an hour after i get home from work(4.5 hours since myboyfriend went to the hospital)

i called him at his house he answered and he couldnt talk he had an assignment he had to do. so okay i undersatnd.But i come upstairs go on my computer and there he is online and his friend is over his house.his friend is over his house to set up his new 550 dallor drum set.so now im mad.

He calls and my brother tells him im mad and my boyfriend cant understand why.so i tell him because he did not call. and says so i was gonna call after my assignment and i said well u couldnt have just let me know you were home and he said he had a project to do so he couldn't.he said that i always ask him to call and just because he hasn't called tonight i shouldnt be mad and so i tell him taht i was worried and he laughed. Then he goes on to tell what happened at the hospital and he said ok? and said ya and he asked if i was still mad and i said yes.and said bye go be with your friend and he said no i wanna talk to you and i said bye and hung up on him.

Okay recap of the lat 3 weeks, 3 weeks ago we had a scare , our condom broke and my period was late but fianlly saturday it came, on friday i told him i had a crush on another guy at work.friday he thretens to either break up or to go on break but no i didnt want that,last night we had a bad connection on the phones and they hung up twice and so he threatned to dump me. then this morning it was all hugs and kisses again as if nothing ahd happened. and now he calls back and he still cant understand why im mad.

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dont worry my b/f is like that. me and him are on a break cause he said he needs to find out whats wrong with him. so i told him to call me i wouldnt call him. just give him the reverse phycollagy. dont call be blunt and act like nothing is wrong. some one gave me that advice. if you go somewhere dont give him details let him wonder and he will eventually come around

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You need to talk to him about this because he's kind of acting like a jerk, and if he continues to lie to you like that then I suggest you break it off. I know it might be hard, but if he can't open up to you and try to stop being like this, then how does that show his love for you?

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i think he definitely should have called you to tell you what happened because it is inconsiderate of him to leave you hanging and worrying about him... maybe he thought the CAT scan as no big deal, depending on what the problem was...


but it seems like you both get angry at one another easily and then try to hurt each other or ignore each other... that really isn't good... so next time rather than getting mad about waiting for him to call, call or text him rather than wait...


one problem in relationships is that we kind of expect people to read our minds and know what is important to us and what isn't, and to automatically do what we think they should... nobody can read each other's mind, so it is really important to talk and come right out if something is important.


so next time before he does something like go to a CAT scan, tell him, it is really important that you call me as soon as you get out because i am sitting here really worried about you and getting upset... then if AFTER you have told him what you need he still doesn't do it, then you might be justified in being mad... he may have thought that this 'call me' time was the same as any other, not realizing that you REALLY needed him to call because you were upset.


also, stuff like telling him you have a crush on someone else will probably only provoke him... did you really have a crush on someone and was seriously thinking about leaving him, or were you just mad and trying to get even? that kind of stuff always backfires...

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and you two are how old?

I know it may seem irrelavant but this seems like Middle School dating games to me atleast on his part the way he handles things..


its not just him tho "on friday i told him i had a crush on another guy at work"

Sounds like a typical, run-o-the-mill destructive reletionship to me


Petty game playing and stuff

He should have called... yes.. .but why not just call him before getting angry, and gently pointing out his mistake?

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okay well im 16 and he's 16. its not middle school its high school. abnd taht should affect your repsonse to my question if i wanted to be judged i would ask someone else.the reason why i told him i had a crush on someone else is because he knew by how i would talk about him so i couldnt lie plus our relationship is baed on honesty.We tell each other everything even if the other will get mad.and we have been together for a year and half and 2 weeks.thank you so much cloud802 and naughty cowgirl. he was getting a CAT scan done because his neck is bad and they think its not alined with his spinal cord.which causes his back and neck to be sore almost always and its hard to talk on the phone for long.

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