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My Day To Day Effort ....to Lose My Butt :)

Lady Bugg

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Ok so I sort of stole the thread title.....


Anyway....I am going to get a jump start on the New Year..with the

age old "I'm going to get in shape" resolution.


Tomorrow is Dec 1st......and I want to keep a workout journal

till New Years.


Don't they say it takes 30 days to make or break a habit? Or is it 21??

Either way....I figure I will just start now. I think "journaling' will keep me honest..and I don;t have a workout "buddy"....so maybe some encouragement

will help...ie, "Hey Lardass....don't you need to get on that treadmill already??" So yeah......that'll help. Oh and journal with me if you'd like!!!

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I believe running and other cardio activities would be the most effective way to tone your butt. If you find running to be a boring thing (which it can be), get involved in a class such as cardio kickboxing or something that makes it interesting. Switch up your workouts to keep it fresh. Have fun and good luck.

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Hey Ladybugg:

Walking backwards on the treadmill at an incline at average pace for an hour is one of the best ways to tone your butt. It can get a little boring though. I just flip the TV on to a good show or read a magazine or a book and go at it 4times a wk. And I have to admit-I have a pretty nice bum

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Weight loss is more diet than exercise.


So if you really want to lose your toosh, the best way is to change your diet, cut fats, and carbs.


For sugars, eat fruits instead of breads, and for breads, if needed, eat multi-grain wheat.


Then you can exercise too to combine the effects.


If you want to expedite the process, have some caffeine about an hour before your work-out, some coffee will work.


I have been working my behind and it's going away, but mostly from dietary changes, since I am a fast food junkie.


You know what has really helped me, I know my fat is stored in my toosh, so I bought a body fat analyzer, it's a scale that measures body fat when you stand on it, it was $30 at Wal-mart, and I check my fat each week, and see it dropping. Losing overall weight isn't really helpful to me, as it can include water, but losing fat itself is very motivating.


Hugs, Rose

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I am actually in pretty good shape....I have a "womanly" figure. Which includes a round derrier Just would like to tone more.


Rose: I am ALSO a junk food junkie. More so now than when Iwas younger... I also LOVE wine. Cutting that out is going to be hard....ok ..maybe I'll just cut BACK..lol


Michelle: I'll try the treadmill thing...hopefully I won't be a klutz and trip...

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I am actually in pretty good shape....I have a "womanly" figure. Which includes a round derrier Just would like to tone more.


Rose: I am ALSO a junk food junkie. More so now than when Iwas younger... I also LOVE wine. Cutting that out is going to be hard....ok ..maybe I'll just cut BACK..lol


Michelle: I'll try the treadmill thing...hopefully I won't be a klutz and trip...


Oh, you'll look funny as hell doing it Thats why I do it at home. I did it once at the gym-everyone looked at me like I was crazy!!

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I am actually in pretty good shape....I have a "womanly" figure. Which includes a round derrier Just would like to tone more.


Rose: I am ALSO a junk food junkie. More so now than when Iwas younger... I also LOVE wine. Cutting that out is going to be hard....ok ..maybe I'll just cut BACK..lol


Michelle: I'll try the treadmill thing...hopefully I won't be a klutz and trip...


Is that you in your avatar? You look like you're very fit!

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this isnt' just directed at the LadyBugg... she sounds like she's on the fitness trail already


.... just some fitness for thought...


I think one of the biggest mistakes people make when entering a new fitness regime is to give up the weights.


unfortunately there are these silly myths out there like


myth #1 heavy weights will make me bulky


myth #2 Lift more reps, light weight to make me more 'toned' (toned... there is no such thing... its just the amount of fat covering your muscles that makes you toned or not)


Make sure you are doing some good heavy compound weights like squats, deadlifts bench press.. none of those 5 pound 'girly' weights


myth #3 doing excessive cardio will help me burn off the fat... truth is you waste away the muscle too... you need muscle to burn the fat


This is why it so important to lift heavy weights if you want to lose fat.


here is another thing to think of... if you take 10 pounds of fat it will fill a beach ball... if you take 10 pounds of muscle, it will be more the size of a baseball... so you could have to people at the same weight, but one who is 3 sizes smaller.



These are somethings to keep in mind.


1. Do cardio with some intervals first thing in the morning before eating.


2. Weight training 2-4 evenings a week.... make sure you lift heavy... too many women fear lifting heavy because they have these images of over-bulked up bodybuiders... you will NOT look like that unless you take steroids.


3.diet is KEY to losing fat.. not going on a diet.. but making sure you eat 5- 6 small meals per day and getting some protein in each meal and making sure ahave the right breakdown of fats, protein and carsb... a good Free site that telss you your calorie breakdown is link removed



so eat well, lift HEAVY and do high intensity interval cardio first thing in the am on an empty stomach!


good luck to everyone with their fitness goals!!

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These are somethings to keep in mind.


1. Do cardio with some intervals first thing in the morning before eating.


2. Weight training 2-4 evenings a week.... make sure you lift heavy... too many women fear lifting heavy because they have these images of over-bulked up bodybuiders... you will NOT look like that unless you take steroids.


3.diet is KEY to losing fat.. not going on a diet.. but making sure you eat 5- 6 small meals per day and getting some protein in each meal and making sure ahave the right breakdown of fats, protein and carsb... a good Free site that telss you your calorie breakdown is link removed


I used fitday. It's a very nice tool. That regimen sounds similar to the Body For Life program. It's a very good program. I lost 30 pounds following it a few years ago. I've been able to keep it off. However, I noticed that my body needs less work to maintain my current weight- so I have let up a little on heavy weight training and incorporated some various muscle toning exercises like yoga too.


I think whatever you do for fitness, you must enjoy it at some level. Although I have a treadmill, I do not enjoy it. It makes me feel like a hamster running on a wheel.


I found I am much less inclined to miss a work out if I do not dread it. So recently, to replace my time usually spent miserable on the treadmill, I joined a pool instead and now I swim 3 mornings a week. I look forward to swimming and enjoy it -so it's so much easier to wake up to that alarm clock every morning and get moving.



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I use to have a butt, still do. The thing that worked for my were the walking excercise videos. I know we are not allowed to advertise for people on here so if anyone wants the name of them just PM me and I'll give you all the name of them. With these videos the time flies by.


Good Job Lady Bug on taking the initiative to be more healthy.

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I am actually in pretty good shape....I have a "womanly" figure. Which includes a round derrier Just would like to tone more.


I am ALSO a junk food junkie. More so now than when Iwas younger... I also LOVE wine. Cutting that out is going to be hard....ok ..maybe I'll just cut BACK..lol


If that is you in your avatar, you really dont look like you need to lose weight

having a big butt is a GOOD thing, I have lost a lot of weight recently due to stress and a healthier lifestyle (well, helthier despite hte stress), and I am actually pretty upset that my bum isnt as big as it once was


anyways, yes, when I cut booze out of my diet (im an alcoholic, so it had to be done) I not only lost weight, but felt heaps better, more energy and the such.


Just find exercise you enjoy.. I go to yoga twice a week, once you start, its awesome, try ashtanga, its alot more physical than normal yoga. apart from that, I walk home from work, AWAY from the bus route so Im not tempted to just flag it and wait for the bus halfway home

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If your avatar pic is actually you I don't think you have much to worry about. I always wonder why women want to "Lose Their Butt", as long as you aren't dragging two beachballs around in the back seat then you're just fine. It's hard-wired into all guys to be attracted to a woman with a butt(among other things). In the primal days of humanity a woman who was curvy was seen as being healthy, and thereforeeee a desireable partner. Nowadays magazines and Jenny Craig tell us otherwise, and some men have even drilled this into their own heads so much that they believe it, but the vast majority of men do not want a woman whose lower back continues uninterrupted into her thighs.

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