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For Girls:The Death Stare


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Maybe somtimes a woman just gets sick of men and wants to be on-strike regarding men. A couple of my women friends have gotten that way a time or two in the past.


I've felt that way towards women before. I know other guys who've felt that way before. I think it's normal to feel that way sometimes, but it's also normal to get over it.


I'm not saying that's what happened in these cases he describes though. I'm not really sure what happened between him and these women he posted about. I don't know.

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charley: read your other post:


Your prior relationship with either woman didn't matter during those few seconds.


They were both competing for your attention.


The cashier was giving you the "death stare" to see if she could get a positive reaction out of you, some sort of apology or signal that would sway you in her direction.


Your woman friend may have been sick, etc, but she at that moment was likely doing the same thing to the woman cashier, subconsciously saying "he's my territory, get away."


Women communicate on a different level than men, they can say nothing, make small gestures, and other women will know exactly what they're thinking.




The death stare is a test, they want to see your reaction. I suggest staring back, if you can't, then look to the side, not down. Turn your body away from them, don't show signs of submission.

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I really think you're interpreting their looks as glares because you're feeling insecure.


Or maybe you're taking them by surprise?


I was walking in the store the other day and some guy popped out from the next aisle and immediately said, "Hi!How are you?" It scared me! I just looked at him like, "What's your problem?" And he blushed and walked off. I felt so bad! He was cute too....


Then, one night recently,I was leaving the mall late, around 9 or 10 . And I was unlocking the car and getting in and when I shut the door I heard a SLAP against my window and screamed. It was just some guy in a blue afro wig slapping sticky notes on people's windows for some company. he smiled and was like,"are you ok? Did I scare you?". I glared at him and said something like, "What's your problem you could of skipped one car! You'd still get paid!"


And he was a cute guy too...considering he was in a blue afro...he wasn't approaching me but I just wanted to give an example of taking people by surprise. So maybe you're catching girls by surprise? Because I know that makes me give the death glare...doesn't matter what the guy looks like...maybe I'm just paranoid? haha...


But really, if it's just plain because she's rude you don't need her in your life.

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