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saying good bye


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hey guys thank you for reading my peom.. i think this be my final peom i will ever write.. i hope you enjoy it. and i want to say thanxs for your comment and your support. it help me alot..

well i been writing peoms on here for a girl i call my marine girl

name jess.. she really have a nice personality..very sweet.. but just didnt work i guess. she choose not too.. but to be honest.. she already doen so much for me,. and this my way to say bye..


final peom about my marine girl


i have waited for so long for someone like you

to me your were a dream that seem so real

it would have been too good to be true

if i to end up with you

i was lost in a dream within a dream

i was caught up with my own fantazy

this load of feeling

of hope

made my heart sing and beat to every riddim of your voice

before you i was cold as ice

but u warm me up

bring me back to what important

and that i wasnt a moran

you bring me closer to god

to life

to happiness

even though i am sad

that we never met

and it didnt goes as i dreamth it to be

but the fantazy world i was in

for those short time

made me feel so a live

so wanted

so important in your life

with you talking about want to be my bride

and alway stay by my side

even though

it didnt go like so

if some ask me if i go through all that again

and to be sad in the end

i would say yes

i never felt anything like it

that taste of love

that rain on me

how can i explain

a feeling of love that will always remain

never say good bye

she alway tell me

just say later

because that made her feel alot better

i how can move on

with letting her go

so i have to say

what she fear most

i have to say

what i hope wouldnt have to say

is good bye

i just said it

good bye

now i watch my love fly in the sky

being free

escaping from fear

to be with u

because even though i say bye

my heart will also love you

even though we never met

my lips have already kiss you hundreds of times

my marine girl

how can i let go

why did you choose to go

i love you from head to toe

so later

not bye

later is always better than never

so long

and alway play my song

god bless the broken road that lead me straight to u..


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