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question for the girls


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So, I've noticed over the past year that whenever I get my period I get really hungry. I can't seem to get full. Normally I eat tiny little meals and don't even get enough calories some days of the week. But around this time, I can literally eat all day long and still be hungry. Does this happen to anyone else? I feel like I negate all the working out I do during the other weeks of the month.

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yes, yup, happens to me also. I guess the best we can do is maybe just remind ourselves that we are not TRULY hungry. The other thing is that if you are deficient in calories the rest of the time, maybe your body is trying to "catch up?"


apart from that, I guess just eat foods that keep you full, foods with a lot of fiber, like apples, have a big salad for dinner, eat food that takes a while to chew and digest. drink plenty of water.

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Unless you have a weight problem, I wouldn't worry about it. I love that feeling of shoveling food into a bottomless pit. Your metabolism speeds up during your period and perhaps that's why you're more hungry.


If it bothers you a lot, eat more high fiber foods.

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Is it true hunger, though? I mean, do you feel the physical signs of hunger in your stomach? Or do you just get cravings/the munchies? There's a difference between the two.


I eat more usually starting a week before I get my time of the month, and then stop once it comes. I don't eat because I feel hunger, but because I don't know- my brain wants all those comfort foods.

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I think it's mixture of both. I think a lot of it is just cravings and just feeling the need to eat. But like last night when I went to bed, I had just eaten a snack and my stomach growled. I tend to crave fatty things too. Like for dinner yesterday I had a spicy chicken sandwhich from Wendy's and I'm always craving chocolate. Usually I just get it right before my period and it stops, but this time it's lasting. Luckily I don't keep a lot of junk food in my apartment! It's nice to know this isn't just me, lol.

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