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Lingerie for Christmas?

Call of The Zombie

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I want to buy my GF something sexy for Christmas. She was looking through a VS catalog the other day and said something to the effect of "So much of this just looks so trashy I wouldn't wear it". Now I'm scared I will pick the wrong thing and she'll be upset and not want it at all. I'm sure her idea of trashy and my idea of trashy are two totally different things.


Any ideas?

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Talk to her about it. Ask her to show you what she likes and doesn't like, and why.


I would refrain from buying her this for Christmas. Valentine's day is appropriate or maybe a just-because, but what is she supposed to say when her mom asks her what her boyfriend got her for Christmas?

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Is this gift for her or for you? yeah, I would reserve this for a 'just because' gift... Well, how long has she been your girlfriend. Maybe instead, go there and buy her a nice set of lotions or bath oils (they have that stuff too) and with it, give her a gift certificate and tell her you would love to go shopping with her. Then this is something done together, but you wont be picking out something for her that she may not like.

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Though I believe that lingerie is the gift that keeps on giving the whole year round, I agree that you should probably hold off on that until Valentine's Day or give it to her as a "just because" gift.


That will give you some time to see what she finds tasteful and what she doesn't as well.

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What difference does it make if you are living together or not...?


I agree with the gift certificate idea. If you happen to pick something that she doesn't like, or is *heaven forbid* too small (or too big) in the wrong parts, she might get offended...could put a damper on the holiday spirit...

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Is this gift for her or for you? yeah, I would reserve this for a 'just because' gift... Well, how long has she been your girlfriend. Maybe instead, go there and buy her a nice set of lotions or bath oils (they have that stuff too) and with it, give her a gift certificate and tell her you would love to go shopping with her. Then this is something done together, but you wont be picking out something for her that she may not like.


This is exactly what I was going to say. This way, you'll be able to go with her and see the things that she likes so for future reference, you'll know her lingerie style and not get her anything she finds to be trashy.


How long have you been together?

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Since my links didn't work, I'll help guide you through the VS website.


My advice would be to stay away from anything in the "sexy little things" collection (trashy) and the "body" collection (she may think you want her to have bigger breasts).


Most of the things in the "angels" collection are safe, as are the "cotton" and the "glamour" collections. Definitely do not go for the "miracle bra".


It can be hard to buy lingerie for a woman because of sizing variations between brands and styles. If you want to make it easier on yourself, I would recommend buying some nice pajamas or a bath robe (not a baby doll).

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I have bought lingerie for a number of women, so I have some experience in this area.


I think it makes no difference if you are living together or not, but it does matter that you have an active sex life. If you have not had sex together, it's not a good gift. I'll assume you have been. If she is living with her parents, that might make a differnece, because she may have difficulty keeping it hidden.


What lingerie? Well, to some extent, you need to buy something she finds tasteful enough to wear. I once bought a very skimpy teddy for a woman and she thought it was too trashy, although she wore it once. I have bought a bodystocking for a woman, without notice and she wore it. Without knowing what she would want, you need to stick to classier, rather than trashier. I'd recommend something along the line pf simple silk pajamas or a gown as a the first thing I bought. Take a look at: link removed or link removed. Once she was comfortable wearing it for you, then I would next buy her soemthing more risque, gradually getting a little trashier until you had her wearing something you really liked.


Your other option is to open a catalog and look at ti with her.


Also, tell her that there are two messages with lingerie. One, you want her and think she would look hot in it. Two, when she wears it, she says she wants you.

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oh dear god no... dont' get her jammies or a flannel robe... you are not her granny for gosh sakes!


i think it is a fabulous gift idea!!!!!



it IS so a Christmas gift... ask her what she likes i'd say go through the VS catalogue, see what she likes... there is a lot of really classy sexy stuff in there


I think it is a very appropriate christmas gift? Why can't she tell her mother that her boyfriend got her some sexy lingerie... is she amish or something? seriously... I have NEVER heard of that being an issue ANYWHERE...


gosh, in my family we buy underwear for our family all the time.


one year my mum made my dad a 'wee- willy- warmer' that she made herself and etched "i heart you" in pink ribbon....she made out of her old bra straps ha ha!


do NOT get her pajamas... unless she is 7 years old.. get her something nice.


you can give her another just because gift at another time

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After looking through the VS catalog this season, I think most of the stuff is pretty trashy too. The silk baby doll is about the only classy looking lingerie. The pajamas are cute, but not flannel, the satin is much more luxurious and I think they have a promo right now that you get matching slippers for free. I would say if you want to go this route stick to satin or silk, the other stuff is cheap looking and doesn't feel as good on.

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I still loves thongs, dear lord.. get me going.. I think its because im a butt man.. but anyways I agree with the above. Gift certificate might be a safe route, you can shop together.


And ladiessss, its ok to wear trashy stuff in the bedroom, your NAKED most of the time anyways lol. Its not like your wearing it to the bookstore.

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ha. funny. I always thought that VS was too conservative.


I agree in large part, but if you are just beginning with purchasing lingerie for her, its a decent enough place to start.


Ladies, if you really want to make a man wild: bodystockings. VS does not sell any, last I checked.

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Wearing lingerie isn't all about making a guy go crazy, its also about feeling sexy yourself. If the lady thinks its trashy, she won't feel sexy in it, she'll feel trashy.


For many women, it has nothing to do with what the guy likes, and that's pretty sad. For example, I know on of no man, and it has come up with quite a number, that does not think a bodystocking is simply red hot and smoking. If a woman wanted to see her man go nuts for her, I would tell her that her best bet was to wear a bodystocking over anything else. She could even decide on one of the ones that was not "crotchless," and 95 out of 100 men, or maybe more, would be about as hot for her as she could hope. (I can speak only as to guys in the U.S., but I bet all Western European cultures or those that spring from Western Europe (such as the U.S., Canada and Austrailia) are the same. However, I understand that some women would feel trashy wearing one.


There is nothing wrong with feeling and being a trashy if she is doing it for her man. It tells him much, and if her feeling get in the way of telling him those things, I feel sorry for him. In case you have never heard, there is a whole dicotomy in men that makes us want women who are at times virginal and at other times anything but virginal. We want, at some level, the classy and chaste woman, who loses all desire to be chaste when with us. Any woman who can tap into that, will have a happy man. And if you do not want your man to be happy, set him free. If you are unwilling to do what makes him happy because of how you feel, set him free. Unfortunately, I did not run fast enough from a woman who did not want to wear things I bought her.


However, guys, you do need to deal with the fact that many women are just not up to wearing soemthing solely for the reason it will make you hotter for her than boiling oil. If you want her to someday walk out into the living room wearing only catsuit and surprise you, then you quite pssoibly will need to take her through stages of different kinds of lingerie, before you get her to something rather risque. An ex once thought something made of flannel was sexy. Well to her she felt sexy in it, but for me it did bupkiss. Well, she thought buying it was for both of us, but in no way was it. It was for her.


Lingerie can have multiple purposes. It can make people feel sexy, and it can tell the recipient that the man who bought it wants you, and it tells the man who sees her in it that she wants him. At times, all of those purposes should be fulfilled. Ladies, if that means you need to act a little trahsy from time to time to please you man, then you should. Gentlemen, if that means you buy her things she thinks are sexy but do nothing for you, then sometimes, do it.


Guys, for initial lingerie gifts, I stick by my earlier recommendations. If either the satin gown or pajamas are too trashy for her, then she is likely to never wear what you want. Figure that into how you think about her. If she was not willing to wear them for me, I'd move on.

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I don't believe in debasing my self for the purpose of sex. If the man I'm with doesn't understand that, then its not a question of what I'm wearing. Women have a right to make personal choices on what they feel comfortable wearing and any man that would ask a woman to feel trashy so he can get off is being self centered. I would never ask my BF to put on something he thought looked trashy because I thought it was hot. Its a question of respect for their person feelings, individual taste and wanting them to feel good about themselves.

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I don't believe in debasing my self for the purpose of sex. If the man I'm with doesn't understand that, then its not a question of what I'm wearing. Women have a right to make personal choices on what they feel comfortable wearing and any man that would ask a woman to feel trashy so he can get off is being self centered. I would never ask my BF to put on something he thought looked trashy because I thought it was hot. Its a question of respect for their person feelings, individual taste and wanting them to feel good about themselves.


You clearly stated that your concern is for your "feelings, individual taste and wanting" to feel good about yourself. OK.


A woman may want a man to do things for her. If a bodystocking was what it took and she asked, I'd put one on for my woman, even though I would feel like a fool. I have out on things that made me feel foolish, because she asked. I guess I am not worried about feeling that way, if by doing so I would make her happy. If I saw something as showing me a lack of respect, then I would not be willing to do it. Feeling a little trashy is not something I view in that way. We have different limits.

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I bought my ex a men's hologram thong as a gag for christmas one year. He put it on for laughter's sake and it looked hysterical. We had great great sex afterwards. Pointless, yet true story.


He bought me some nice lingerie and things when we were together. It wasn't all my idea of tasteful but I loved the gifts non-the-less.

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