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am i miss reading things?

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Hay, this situation is a weird one! I cant talk to any one about this kind of stuff! I think i may be bi, but no-ne knows about it! i dont really know myself but theres this gal i met who i like quite and we are quite flirty, she always get me smilen and its just weird and the other day she asked me about my personal life quite deeep stuff about guys and things but then she asked if i have ever kissed a gal and things! i told her i have when i have been drunk then i asked her and she told me stuff! but it was totally random her asking! Does anyone think she means anything from it! its strange every time i see her i get the biggest grin on my face and its the same with her!! Im just totally confussed or am i reading way to much into stuff!! Thanks! x

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I don't know if anyone can really tell you. However, women when they are attracted to men tend to have certain body language gestures. While the gestures may be different betweent wo women, they have to exist. Study body langauge and try to read hers.

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The best way to know for sure would be to ask her, of course. Did she say that she is bi or a lesbian? You should ask her why she wanted to know all of that personal stuff about you.


I had an older woman do that to me, but she was a professor at the university where I was studying. She was a faculty member in this weight training class that I was teaching. She always wanted to know who I dated, where I went, what we did, what I looked for in relationships, the age range that I dated. She even asked me to bring pics of the guys from online that I was dating. She got pissed and told me that they looked gay and wouldn't talk to me for about a week. I realized I had a crush on her and sort of let her know. She started acting all professional and telling me that she was trying to mentor me, etc. I think she had a girlfriend. I was preplexed by the whole situation. The whole thing ended up hurting me really bad. We have not spoken in two years, so we are not even friends. She just started avoiding me and would not tell me if she was attracted to me and what happened between us, although the last time I spoke to her she told me that she could not be my confidante because she is much older than me...then she added that there's many miles between us.


I am telling you this because if you think that you would like to pursue something with her, more than friends, then don't let her have all of the power and ask you whatever she wants and not tell you WHY she wants to know. Be more direct than I was in my situation and find out what her sexuality is and make sure she reveals as much information to you as you do with her. If she tells you that she is les or bi then I would let her know that you are attracted to her.


Keep us posted!

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Hay, thanks for your reply! Its such a strange situation! i hoenstly didnt think she was, but lately shes been different! i will definiatly keep u posted!! Thanks for your reply again, you have helped! have a great night xx

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Hey... I had a really, REALLY similar situation to this. The teacher and I ended up talking extremely frequently after I left her class and we talked about EVERYTHING. Like we'd always discuss intimate details of our lives, sex, etc. I could ask her anything about sex and even her own sex life and she would answer, then sometimes ask about mine. I was young at the time (high school), so I didn't really understand what was happening because I hadn't really clued into my sexuality, or at least that side of it. I started developing a massive crush on her and constantly wanted to be near her. We went out for coffee lots, we had lunch and I even went to her house. Our visits always ended with a hug. She even bought me a Christmas gift and signed the card "love *her name*"


So needless to say, I was quite confused about the situation. So I asked her what was up and what all of this meant. She said she was just being a mentor, but when I think back to some of the things she said to me and the way we were around each other, there was definitely something a little more than friendship happening. After that, she started pulling away from me and not talking to me as frequently because she said she had a life and a husband, etc, etc.


It totally broke my heart. Literally, my heart hurt for days and I cried at night wondering how we went from so close to not even speaking. That was the worst pain I ever felt in my life and I don't think I've ever really forgiven her for it.


But anyway, your story just reminded me of it.

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I think you should just let it go for now, see where it goes. From the sounds of it, she may have a crush on you - but don't push anything, I've been in situations before (both ends) with being unsure about sexuality and stuff, but it will become clearer to you.. So my advice - chill out, enjoy your time with her, and just let things happen


Good luck! I'm sure things will work out for you

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I think you should just let it go for now, see where it goes. From the sounds of it, she may have a crush on you - but don't push anything, I've been in situations before (both ends) with being unsure about sexuality and stuff, but it will become clearer to you.. So my advice - chill out, enjoy your time with her, and just let things happen


Good luck! I'm sure things will work out for you




hay, thank you for replyin! I think i am just going to leave it! What ever happens, happens for a rason right!


thanks again xx

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I disagree. Being passive doesn't get you very far. I would try to avoid the situation Ballys was describing and ask her "why" she is asking (all those questions).


Honestly, life is too short to sit back and wait. Even if you don't 'make a move' on her, definitely move towards finding out her intentions...


Good luck!

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I disagree. Being passive doesn't get you very far. I would try to avoid the situation Ballys was describing and ask her "why" she is asking (all those questions).


Honestly, life is too short to sit back and wait. Even if you don't 'make a move' on her, definitely move towards finding out her intentions...


Good luck!


That's an idea, but if you really want to know if there is anything there, create the opportunity for it to happen, and see if it does. If she does not make a move, bust one yourself, if you really want to know.

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