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Cancer get treated or not?


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Hey well i was just wondering what people would do if they found out they had cancer. I know if i had it i wouldnt get treated, i will be like i have it so now it must be my time to go.


So what would you do? get treated or now? and why?

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I would definitly get treated. Cancer does not always have to be a death sentence. There are many survivors. Treatment can be the difference between life and death for patients.


What would have happened if Lance Armstrong chose not to get treated?




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Definitely would, I would try.


I have had a LOT of cancer in my family. Treatment has really come a LONG way since even 10 years ago. Diagnosis is often so early that treatments are even MORE effective.


You can see my thread "My Mum has Cancer" but my mum was diagnosed last December with advanced breast cancer. And, though she saw her parents go through treatments, she opted to do everything she could because she believes life is special, and that you do fight for it if you can, not just for herself, but for her kids, partner. My grandmother due to treatments had 10 more wonderful years before it reoccurred in her other breast (she chose not to get both removed). That was 10 more years her children got to know her, and 10 more years worth of grandchildren she saw born and got to grandmother.


Sure, it was not always easy, but she is doing WONDERFULLY a year later, and is living life 110% to the fullest and I am so proud of her. I would support her if it came back and she did not want to do it again, but I am so glad she has fought it.


So, yes, I would. Not just for me, but for my family, my dreams. If it did not work, then I would accept that, but with so many people getting cancer these days more than the past, I would say it's not that "natural" and there is nothing wrong in treating it. Because treatments are amazingly better these days. There is a time when sometimes you have to say, no more...but so much cancer is caught so early, when it is treatable and recovery chances are so wonderful, it would seem odd to me to not try to be honest.


I am vigilant in my breast exams so that I CAN find it early and treat it earlier. Due to my genetic risk, my chances are VERY great I will be dealing with breast cancer in the next 10-20 years. If I found a lump early on, with treatment your chances of survical are over 90%...why would I NOT do something then? My mothers chances were 50-50 (she was vigilant too but hers was hard to find and very rare) and she still fought for that positive 50. If I found it later, I would still fight.


Aside from which, when I was YOUR age actually, I was diagnosied with high risk cervical dysplasia, which is precancer of the cervix. If I had NOT done anything, chances are great I would be dead, and I truly would of missed out on the joys and experiences in life I have had. I had a boyfriend die at age 25, and he would of done anything to be able to still be here, but he did not have that choice. As long as I have a choice, I will fight for it.

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I can't imagine not getting treated. I know there are certain religions that don't believe in vaccines or certain medical treatments but if we have the technology to allow people to live longer, why not take up the opportunity?


I think it's best to apply the situation to a family member/friend. If you found out someone you loved had cancer and they didn't want to get treated, would you be upset? Would you want them to do what they can to live?

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I know so many healthy people who overcame cancer, I'd seek treatment.


I do have a friend with metastatic bone cancer who refuses treatment because he fully expects to die in a few months, and radiation and chemo have poor track records for his condition, while weakening the immune system. He's a rare exception to the dozens of friends and family who dealt with cancer successfully.


My ex's sister was diagnosed with a severe form of cancer as a child, and expected to die before adulthood. With chemosurgery and medications, she's still scuba diving, surfing and biking at 55. My ex just had a brain tumor removed and is back at work.

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