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Finally. A break through...

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So, I've been on these boards for a while and the whole time I've been on here, I've questioned my sexuality. I was fortunate enough to find some great people on here who were struggling with similiar issues...many of whom were a bit faster to come to terms with it than I. I noticed the similiarities in our stories, but had a very hard time accepting it iin myself. Despite the number of men I go through, I always thought I would magically find Mr Right and that I would be sexually attracted to him, even though I never was sexually aroused in previous relationships in the past (unless I was in an 'altered' state). Don't get me wrong, I can be *physically* attracted to men and even had a copule of crushes...but, once in a sexual situation, I have no interest in men.


For whatever reason, I think it's finally stuck. I think I'm finally ready to admit that I too am gay.


It is somewhat of a 'freeing' experience, but it also stirs up a lot of other scary emotions.


I just wanted to come on here and let everyone know who's spoken with me (either through the forum or via PM) that I appreciate it, and that it helped me immensely in finally admitting to myself who I am.

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It is a breathe of fresh air to finally admit it to yourself. I know from personal experience! Like you I was thorough too...


Anyway, good luck. It is a scary feeling, at first, because acknowledging your true sexuality is a life change. Now you'll have to be real with the people closest to you and that is hard...


But the positives outweigh the negatives.

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Congrats. I'm glad you were finally able to come to a conclusion. I wish I could say the same for myself. I mean, I pretty much know deep down that I'm probably a lesbian, but there's still a small part of me holding onto the idea that there's a possibility I'm not. I'd prefer to just not label myself anything at this point, except maybe "open".

Anyway, good luck!

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Thanks everyone for your support!



Congrats! How did your date with the girl go? Did you get some?!


--Hmm...was that one a while ago? I'm not sure that one ever happened- but I had one recently...it wasn't bad, but she looked NOTHING like her picture online. Don't ya hate that? BUT! Tonight I'm going to my first ever coffee night for women (sponsored by the local gay center)...so I'm really excited for that. Wow, we haven't spoken in way too long- I apologize for that--I will def. PM you soon


To Cloud 802: I *totally* agree with you...admitting it to others will certainly be difficult, but the denial I was in for all this time was incredibly powerful...and, at the same time, upsetting, because I felt so different from evryone and I never knew what to do about it...

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