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Girls: Do you like giving oral..


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I know, little by little I get tempted. Yes we will use protection obviously. When I actually get to do it, guess I'm gonna have to post another thread stating "I finally did it".



Qoohh gosh please don't(Screaming).I can't stand lost of virginity "i finally did it " threads but we need both side to a story.

Hey i might start a thread when i start dating"I finally didn't do it" and "20.00 to keep my virginity".

I agree with Survictor.I could only give a blow job to a man i love.Yes i would like to practice and men have offer their penis to me but i'll wait.

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Now.. I ask because my friend has a gf that "Wont do oral". I mean, does this still exist? My ex used to do it, not saying she loved it.. but I dont think she minded..


I dont have any issues licking anything down in a womans area, as long as its well kept.. Just wondered how you gals felt.. if society is still not into this? I really enjoy it, but im kinda freaky I think lol. I havnt been with many partners, and I wont sleep with someone I'm not dating. I find sex to be very intimate and personal.. and I like exploring.. oral.. anal..whatever.. maybe girls aren't into this kinda stuff anymore?


I love doing oral on women, who cares if they smell a little humany down there, thats just more erotic XD

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smiles i really wouldnt worry - you sound like youve got the ideal attitude for this.....only sleeping with people you really really care about but once you've started you want to give everything/ try everything with that person. Youre not alone, im your age and female and i'm the same!

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So generally when I start talking about sex to friends/potential partners, I say i don't give it. BUT I can get turned on enough that I will give a little tongue tickling. And seeing no one has done a good job on me, I seem to not give, cause the receiveing is lack lustre and I have to either pretend I like it or let them down gently. I have to admit, smell, pubs and cum can all make me feel less inclined. The best time was post shower and just happened that we had a short (ie no one came) 69. I suppose if I got a man clean, waxed and nice enough, I might, and then I would have to think on the spit/swallow issue.


But I really am astounded there are so many female oral lovers! Love it for itself, not for their partner's pleasure!

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Ahhh thank you ladies, I truly love your kind. I always keep "Down there" properly trimmed, shaved.. I dont like hair.. so just imagine heh. I guess im different in the fact that I want to be able to open up to someone sexually, I cant just bang random girls like my buddies.. I dunno, its weird. Once I become comfortable with the girl I turn into a freak!

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  • 6 months later...

I've been really lucky that pretty much all of my g/f's have loved giving oral and loved swallowing, and a few have been into gagging in a big way!


To be brutally honest spitting it is a bit of a turn off for me, I would rather cum on them elsewhere than have them spit!

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I don't understand spitting. If you do that, you taste the sperm more than if you just swallow...


thankyou i thought i was the only one to know this


i have performed and received from both genders and love both


as for pulling out and her swallowing i love this and she does as well on occasion we will make out before she swallows which we both enjoy a lot

if you like the taste of cum i highly recomend it its an amazing feeling

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Although I don't particulary enjoy doing it, I do it because I know he enjoys it. Sometimes, when I am really into it, I will actually want to and then I do it MUCH better.


I don't know why I don't like it... I guess I just get tired and frustrated if he dosen't finish quickly...

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I like it. I'm not sure why...my jaw aches like no man's business during/slash after, but it's just so good! I guess hearing my boyfriend is a big part of what I like about it, and feeling his legs (amongst other things) twitching and knowing that when he stops me and we actually have sex I know that he couldn't want me more than right then.

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My guy doesn't move or make sounds... o.O Is that bad? Oh no am I like horrible at it or something???


No it doesn't necessarily mean you're bad at it...some guys aren't vocal, etc. in the bed. My hubby doesn't twitch or make any noise unless he's ejactulating.


And I enjoy giving him oral and not just because it turns him on...I just like it.

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