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Girls: Do you like giving oral..


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Now.. I ask because my friend has a gf that "Wont do oral". I mean, does this still exist? My ex used to do it, not saying she loved it.. but I dont think she minded..


I dont have any issues licking anything down in a womans area, as long as its well kept.. Just wondered how you gals felt.. if society is still not into this? I really enjoy it, but im kinda freaky I think lol. I havnt been with many partners, and I wont sleep with someone I'm not dating. I find sex to be very intimate and personal.. and I like exploring.. oral.. anal..whatever.. maybe girls aren't into this kinda stuff anymore?

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I like it but mostly becuase it brings my partner pleasure. I get tired in the middle of giving a blowjob sometimes. But it's worth it.


yes, I agree, it's not like, the most fun thing in the world. the pleasure comes from making my partner happy, not from getting lockjaw. the pleasure also comes from recieving!

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Just wondered how you gals felt.. if society is still not into this?


I find sex to be very intimate and personal.. and I like exploring.. oral.. anal..whatever.. maybe girls aren't into this kinda stuff anymore?


I think that it's all going to depend on the girl. I would say that most girls enjoy giving oral, or are at least willing to try it. There are some girls who really don't like it though.. or who have never done it and never want to.


It's all just a matter of what that girl prefers. We all like different things and have different preferences. You can't put us all under the "likes oral" or "dislikes oral" category.

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Hi there! I for one LOVE going down on my boyfriend- both because he enjoys it, and I have a bit of an oral fixation and just like havin' it in my mouth. However, his last girlfriend hated doing it. I agree with the others: it depends on the person. Even with me, it took a while to get used to the idea... we're kind of brought up taught that genitals are diry and gross, and it was probably a few years between when I first heard of oral sex as a very young teenager and when I thought it would actually be fun to do (or receive). Maybe some people just need to get used to the idea. Good luck!

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As a newbie at it who had just done it recently, it felt funny, it's like jello stick as soft as a pillow. It was good, until the foreskin comes off that it. For some reason the foreskin on is more special, but when the foreskin is off (and the glans tip shows up), it's like looking at sausage (eww I hate sausage).


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No not a favorite of mine. I gag realllly bad when someone spits in front of me. Or if someone throws up! AAAAAAAH! When the pre cum hits my tongue I go into convulsions! Anything remotely slimy or snotty feeling on my hands or in my mouth sends me packin to the bathroom.

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I didn't do this with any boyfriend until I was 23 and madly in love for what i considered the first time, regardless of the relationships before. I had always been very very scared and I remember seriously thinking about it a lot before I did it. I wa scared it wouldnt smell nice, or taste nice, I was scared i might gag and be sick and then make the guy feel like cr*p.


in the end I tried it and liked it, but then i think that was because i loved him so much. After that I only again did it with my current boyfriend who i now live with, because i happen to think its a VERY VERY intimate thing.


Give her some time, dont make her feel pressured, dont mention it. If after 6 months she STILL hasnt done that, but done other things, then ask her what it is she is afraid of.

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Thanks ladies, I apreciate it, maybe Its asking too much.. i was just doing a poll per se.. my ex used to swallow in the beginning, was such a turn on for me.. towards the end of the relationship.. she would just spit it out when we were done..


Now..spit or swallow..


Oh and when we were having sex..and i knew i was near my climax, I would pull out and ejaculate into her mouth sometimes, was the biggest turn on, on the planet.. made me feel so good she was willing to do it. I dunno.. maybe there is something wrong with me. (Mind you we dated for 3-4 years and neither of us did any of this before, I wanted to try and she was willing). I'm 23, she was 21.


Parts of me are kinda upset because i feel I'll never find someone willing to "Explore" their sexuality with. Is this selfish?

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smiles what do you mean? you are less likely to be able to have that first exploration od sexuality with someone because as we get older people have generally had previous partners, but theres no reason why you wont find someone else willing to experiment and try new things.


its not you at all, its totally natural to want to try things, to experience new feelings etc....i really understand what youre saying because ive been there too - i was in a 4 year relationship during which time we enjoyed a great sex life - i too have felt that i wont find someone else to share that with, and even if i could it seems to cheapen it. Its all about trust and intimacy and feeling comfortable. probably just like me, your last gf felt so comfortable with you that she was willing to try things....given some time your current gf might come to the same level of desire with you.


Like i said, i had this great sex life with my ex, but with this new guy ive been dating it makes me feel a little sick to imagine being so intimate with him. i definitely wont be giving him a blow job any time soon. so, give your new chick some time, dont worry too much and things may well change. I know sexual compatibility is important but i think If you really like her you should give it some time before you think there is a problem.


as for your other question....;-) i used to swallow probably cos i was young and felt i had to......these days i would spit unless i felt like being especially nice!


oooh ps, its not asking too much.....yes, everyone should only do what they want to but if she wants it in return, i tend to think she should pay out!

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Good post and i definetely agree with you, it has to be a trust and intimacy thing I have.. I wont sleep with just anyone, I've always been like that. Once i become comfortable, it turns into a freaky sex show LOL. Oh and by the way, I dont have a new GF, im on the prowl looking for ms. right. Ex and i broke it off for various reasons, we have been on and off for four years.. its a long story. lol

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LOL, yet I have been active. You do not necessarily have to had intercourse to be sexually active.


Oh well, natural instinct explains it all.



true!!but i have a feeling you're not going to be a virgin very much longer.I hope you and your Bf had a STD test ,birth comtrol and condoms.

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