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eye infection, ouch...


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i think i have a eye infection but its under my eye near my eye lashes and its a sharp pain. its not in my eye ball though. its a little swollen too. i showed my mom and she said she thinks its a steye(sp) i dont know what that is and i cant get a doctors appointment for a few days cuz im in school and there booked up. whats a steye and what can i do to until i go to the doctors becuase its really irratating.

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A stye is an infection in your eyelid, and I think it is based in the root of an eyelash. You can buy over the counter ointment and use hot water for some relief, which is all I have ever done for one. I've only had a few.

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I get those every now and then, usually when I've been wearing my contacts too long. The worst I got was when I used to wear make-up. The bacteria live in the mascara and each time you use it you put it back on your lashes. I stopped using it. You should stop all make-up use for a few days and toss any mascara that you've used recently as it will most likely be contaminated. I keep it clean and watch it, if it doesn't get better after a few days call the doctor.

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