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How to get rid of stretch marks....I have no idea where to start!

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This might seem like a shallow thing to care about but I can't help it!

I have large breasts (d cups) and there are some stretch marks on them. Nothing too bad, but they really bother me! How can I get rid of them? Has anyone had this issue? If so, what did you do to treat the problem?


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Once you have already developed stretch marks you can't get rid of them, but they do fade and in time, and hopefully they will not bother you as much, and you will learn to accept them as a part of yourself. I think there are creams that can help prevent new ones appearing, but the ones you have are permanently there....

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yeah i also have a d cup and i have stretch marks as well, ive tryed cocoa butter, and other creams it didnt really help. i am a total tanning addict, and honestly ive heard on tv and stuff that stretch marks show up more when you tan but i dont think so, there less visable for me because my skin complexion is tan anyways, but sometimes if you tan stretch marks they turn reder but i think it all depends on your complexion.

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Try Vitamin E oil. It works wonders on taking the color out of pretty much any scars, but especially stretch marks.


It is true that if you expose stretch marks (or any new scars) to sunlight, they will become more noticeable. That's from the mouth of a plastic surgeon, so I took his advice. Just use sunblock on those parts.


Other than that, try going to any maternity store. I'm pregnant so I'm terrified of getting any more stretchmarks and they have shelves of creams and lotions and oils that are supposed to do the trick.

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This might seem like a shallow thing to care about but I can't help it!

I have large breasts (d cups) and there are some stretch marks on them. Nothing too bad, but they really bother me! How can I get rid of them? Has anyone had this issue? If so, what did you do to treat the problem?



Unfortunatelly, you can't.

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Get some Palmer's body butter. You should be able to get it in Canada (you can in the US). It won't repair the one's you already have but it will help prevent any further stretch marks.


8 years later, I still haven't learned to accept mine. I know how it feels.

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I have stretch marks and I really don't care. The fact is majority of women have them and it is normal (especcialy after you gave birth, grown in puberty, lost weight....). But of course it is good to try to persuade us that this is something wrong - just to buy whole bunch of expencive products. Relax.... even guys don't care because they know majority of woman have them.


If there is a chance your skin will be under a lot of stress (you're on diet, you're gaining weight..) than buy a cream that prevents stretch marks and apply it regulary. If you're not in such situation but you're skin is dry buy a good lotion and apply it on every day basis (not because of stretch marks, but because of dry skin), and if you're skin is normal and you're nut putting it under a lot of stesses mentioned above - just relax.....do nothing.


If you have a light tan, they will be less visible when you're not sun taned (I don't know the word - when your skin gets darker because of the sun, solarium...). This is my case. My friend has way darker skin than I, and she says that it looks better after she tans - i don't think so... but...

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Relax.... even guys don't care because they know majority of woman have them.


seconded. i'm picky about a lot of things--fork and napkin on the left, and don't you dare set the spoon closer to my plate than the knife!--but really, i could give a damn about stretch marks.

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