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Pain in abdomen


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It was painful because you were a virgin. Most women experience pain the first time and it can last for a couple of days.


btw, a penis can not 'go past' your cervix without causing you a great deal of pain and damage. You would not be able to handle the pain if that were the case, it would be intense !

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the cervix is quite closed naturally and the uterus very muscular, strong enough to push out a baby so no way could his penis push through and enter your cervix... HE would have been in so much pain it is just not possible. the vagina itself is very flexible and expands to accommodate a man's penis.


you might have been stressed and afraid which leads to tightness, also pain from breaking your hymen the first time can be intense so that is probably why you were in pain...


however, if the swelling doesn't go down and you have any form of discharge, you might have gotten a bladder infection. most likely though it is just gas from something you ate, food poisoning, or the stomach flu, and just a coincidence that it happened after sex...


try taking some anti-gas medicine like Maalox and see if it goes down... if still in pain in a couple days, i'd see a doctor.

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