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Bj with a cold?


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Don't do it if you have a cold sore! (I tend to get them when I have a cold) - you will give him herpes that way:


Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is the commonest cause of genital ulceration. There are two types of the virus. Type 1 affects mainly the lip – causing ‘cold sores. Type 2 causes blisters on the genitals.


In the past, it was thought that genital herpes was caused almost exclusively by Type 2, but in recent years it has become clear that many herpes ulcers on the penis or vulva/vagina are actually caused by the Type 1 virus.

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when the immune system is under stress and affected by a cold, one CAN get cold sores at the same time... they are not the same virus, but can show up together... they are called 'cold' sores because they frequently break out when one has a cold due to fluctuations in the immune system...


it won't hurt him otherwise, but he will be bathed in cold virus, and probably catch the cold himself via contact with himself afterwards... so he needs to soap up immediately afterwards...


btw, exertion will probably give you a headache if you're sick, and more power to you if you can hold your breath long enough to do it!

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