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Mummy & Daddy


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I know this aint exactly poetry, and i know its not very creative or very good. But i needed to get it out.


Dear my mummy,

I've been a hoping you'll be home soon,

That you'll come and tuck me into bed,

Just like a real mummy should,

Just the way you used,

Before you stopped fighting,

Before two became one.


Oh my hunny,

This pain i never ment to cause.

I swear i never..

Wanted to let you go.


Together we were ment to stay forever,

But darling,

Don't you see,


Mummy had to go.


Mummy had to go.


Mummy had to go.


Oh i see mummy,

Just like daddy never had to care,

Just like daddy said...

You'd never be there.


Mummy you promised me daddy was wrong,

You said he was a bad bad man,

Well why do i find myself longing him,

And wishing you were gone.


I'm sorry mummy,

I tried to help,

I listened like a good little girl should.


But mummy your babys all grown up now,

And your baby girl wishes to be dead.


All because of what mummy told her,

The lies,

the secrets,

The pain...


You were wrong when you said daddy would come between us,

The only person who did that was you,

So mummy i have to say,

I don't want you anymore,

All i want is my daddy...


I want him here,

I want him now,

I want him forever,

My daddy to hold me tight.

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