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Soliloquy and Curtain

Daddy Bear

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So it is, then; Hell's crimson eye

Has bade us hack each other in our ghastly dance.

Too late the hour to try new steps -

It is done, and I have taken the worse.

Away, you; and down with me!

And dare speak not of righteousness,

Nor of foul Eastern karma;

For should a man raze every town,

From Constantine's to Serendip,

And the farthest shores of Orient beyond,

No harm would sure befall him.


This I ask you, in my gathering dusk:

Do our words hone their sharpness in flight

After they escape our lips?

Can a dagger pierce a vein

Without a grasping hand as guide?

No! This Hell is in ourselves;

Born on our breath,

In our ulcerous souls,

And ever at our own command!


Look, see how our blood mingles beauteous on the floor;

I swim in yours, and mine falls from your wounds.

What unholy carnage have we wrought?

O monstrous creature, Man!

My sweetest thing, what evil have we done?


I see nothing, feel nothing now;

I hear no breathing but my ragged own.

Have I killed you as well?

Do you lie beside me, or have you fled?


No matter...


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