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How are female friends different from male friends?


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To make a long story short, I've never had a female friend. What I want to know is, how does it compare to having male friends? Is it a lot different, or mostly the same? It's never really bothered me before, but I never thought much about it, and I don't really get along well with women anyway. Still, I have to wonder whether or not I'm missing out on anything.

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Well, if you have female friends, there's bound to be some drama, because oftentimes people will assume that there's something going on between you, even if there's absolutely nothing. Also, females can be generally more melodramatic than males (which is why I prefer to hang out with my guy friends...unless I'm shopping, of course). They might also expect a certain degree of protection from you.


It's not all negative, though...Having female friends will help you better understand women in general and might make you more understanding when it comes to relationships. They can give you invaluable advice for when you're looking to have something more than just a friendship with some other girl...

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Women friends smell better, fart less and don't talk about Chevy 427 side-oilers, synthetic oil or the NFL. They don't fart much and when you go out to dinner, you can eat a salad with impunity. You can even use words like impunity.

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The only thing I really notice that is different between my female and male friends, the conversation with the women is more mature.


Really? I find just the opposite. My male friends are a lot more willing to talk about serious topics (politics, religion, etc.), and with my female friends the most serious topic is relationship drama...


And I guess oftentimes guys are more straightforward, whereas girls tend to be more subtle and use way too many words to something that could be said in just a few (I know I'm guilty of being verbose like that).

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I really like my women friends and my men friends. Three quarters of my friends are women.


Women friends are much different than men friends in many ways, but similar in someways.


The women often like to talk about people, feelings, emotions, who either of us is attracted to emotionally and/or physically. They also like to do activities together and/or in groups.


The men generally don't talk about people as much, except if they're angry with someone, or think some woman is good looking. Not so much talk about feelings, but sometimes they surprise me and do. Here's the funny part, when the guys want to talk about their feelings (occasionally they do), I'm sometimes getting squirmy and uncomfortable a bit with that. When the women do that I'm into it. I dunno. I don't always understand myself. Usually the men are more action and activity oriented and less about talking. When they do talk, it's typically about activities they like, inanimate objects (like cars), serious issues (like politics), or the shape of some woman's _____ (fill in any body part that comes to mind) or her face or hair. However, sometimes they talk about how nice she is (nice as in nice person).


Most of my guy friends are reasonably sensitive type guys, except for: my military friend who's more a fart, belch and laugh about it kind of guy (yuck), but he's a loyal and constant friend; and my cat calling biker friend who embarrases me, but he's a loyal and constant friend. We also think it hilarious the visual contrast we make together: I look GQ and friendly. He looks dangerous. We think that contrast really confuses women, which makes us laugh. In a way, we make each other look good by emphasizing each other's look.


Those are the things that come to mind right off the top of my head. I prefer to spend most of my time with women, but not always.


The things all my friends have in common are they are loyal, supportive type people (well the guys do the best they can in the supportive area) and they all have a sense of humor. Those are the qualities I require at minimum.


All my friends are protective of me (likely since they know my neck was previously broken) though I do NOT require that (no, I'm not paralyzed). I'm also protective of the women in various ways.


The one caution I will give a guy about women friends is this: If you're not careful, you'll look like a couple and that means you'll have no chance to date anyone else, or get a GF because other women will think you are taken.


If I know, meet, or see a woman I'm interested in hopefully dating, I take care to not be seen with my women friends, or if I am seen with them, I make sure to explain that they are my friends from work, or wherever, and make it clear they're just platonic friends. Being seen with guy friends does NOT present this problem. If I'm going someplace I hope to meet a woman to date, I'll probably go by myself, or maybe with a guy friend or two. I think the best time for a guy to meet a romantic prospect is when he is by himself. The worst time is when he is with a woman friend or sister. Explaining can take care of it, but I'd rather just avoid the confusion in the first place.


Women friends are great, but if you're not careful, they'll accidentally keep you single forever, IMO. Lastly, I don't know why I do this, but I instinctively keep my women and men friends away from each other by doing separate activities. I don't know why, but I instinctively feel trouble might result if we all got together. Why risk it?

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When a guy opens up to a girl, it means he really really trust her. I get on better with guys. I feel they will listen to me without judgement but offer advice where they think is appropriate.

I enjoy having both however, as it depends on what type of mood I'm in, depends which one I feel the need to talk to.

I think it is healthy to have friends of both sexes as both compliment each other and bring different view points to your life.



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  • 4 weeks later...

having a female friend is great becuse it makes u more appealing to other females around u, u become more comfortable around them and prehaps u can understand them :S. but u cant brag aout the goal u kicked on the weekend to them or say ''that chick as a nice rack''. basically u have to give her all ur attention unlike when ur with mates, u can just joke about anything without worrying if u are gonna offend them.

bottom line, u have more fun with male friends

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I take offense to alot of the generalisations in here. It really depends on the person. Women aren't all about emotion and drama and blabbing on about nothing.


One of the differences might be that women are often more sensitive to your needs and your feelings. If you're having a bad day, you can go to your girlfriend and tell her all your weaknesses, and she will love you more for it. If you go and express your weaknesses to a guy friend, he will be more likely to judge you for it, IMO.

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u want to know how its like to have a female friend? go to my thread , search for my user name cbstyles69. prime example. its invigiorating, but yet, u'll never have a normal relationship ever. i've been best friends with a female for 11 years. although i think its come to an end cuz platonic love went a lil farther as we explored our options. sad to see her gone. she ment the world to me.

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I've never really had allot of female friends either. I get along best with guys. Almost every female friend ive ever had was always interested in talking about other people behind their backs, nice clothes, nice things blah blah, very material, shallow minded things. That and i've had allot of bad experiences with gurls that claimed to be my friend. Like stealing bf's and using me to go to my brother or stupid things like that.When i hang out with my boys, i feel like i can be myself without being judged. I have more in common with them and have good times. I do however have 2 close female friends. And we all have one thing in common;all of our other friends are guys. i think it really depends on the girl that your friends with. You can't label females n say theyre all coniving, manipulatve, biotches(although lots are). Some females are very sweet and a blast to hang out with. Like there are a few things I do with my female friends that i could never do with my male friends. Like talk about periods, or feminine issues. If i bring that up with my guy friends they get wigged out..lol. And a bonus of having female friends! if ur ever out n public with em and ur monthly friend arrives unannounced and u have no tampon! u can always garuntee that one of ur gurlys will.

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