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My life in a nutshell... No really, I think it is!


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I guess my problem references this post:



I'm in a strong belief right now that I'm never going to find someone that I will be truly happy with. I also, hate how people always say, "Oh, you'll find someone someday!" I just really don't think there are a lot of people out there that I am compatible with.


That said, I'd rather not have anyone than be miserable with whom I have.


I'm a quiet, reserved person. I have a lot of fun when I'm one on one with someone but if I'm in a group I get very paranoid and afraid. It's just who I am, so it is hard for me to meet people who are like me. It seems like there is nobody like me.


My friends have changed so much that, I don't even like to be around them anymore. I just feel like I cant have fun with them. I don't drink either and want someone the same so, I just feel like I'm all alone here.


I was quite shocked when I took the eHarmony.com test to find out I'm part of a small percentage of people whom they can not find a single match for.


That just sums up how I feel about my relationship life. I'm so different from "the norm" that anyone I would be remotely compatible with is probably thousands of miles away and I'll never meet her. *sigh*


I dunno, neone else a secluded, non socializing, shut in like me and actually enjoy it like me? lol if so send me a msg, I would love to meet you. haha

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I must say that I also took the link removed test and got the same result as you...but they say that it's something like 20% of the people who can't benefit from their service. I personally find their whole system a little flawed, so I wouldn't consider it an accurate indicator of anything (meaning, how you perceive yourself may be different from how you actually are, so you may be putting down responses that don't accurately reflect your personality...and so on.)


I definitely hear you on the whole thing about the people who are compatible with you being far away...I don't believe in soulmates or anything, but I feel like it's very limiting to think that I can find somebody to fall head over heels in love with right here in my hometown of 200,000 people.


Actually, I hear you on preferring ot hang out one on one, and not liking the changes that took place in your friends...


The thing is, you say you enjoy being secluded, non socializing and shut in...but the fact that you feel like you're all alone and are afraid that you'll never find that special person says that you're actually not enjoying your lifestyle.


Can you give your social life a boost somehow? (It's hard, I know!) Maybe join some kind of organization where the focus is on the activity rather than the people, so you can choose to socialize only when you want to?

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I'm going to be joining some clubs this coming january.

I guess what I was trying to say is, I love my alone time. But I sometimes find myself wishing I had someone to be with, someone to talk to, hang out with, someone to love even.


My friends have gone their ways and I find myself alone. I figure, if I find someone like me it will be someone who also enjoys their alone time and so it's like we can enjoy being together as well as being apart. Not in a huge social group with things constantly going on.


I feel like I wont be able to find someone like that ever. Certainly not while sitting in my room. But that is why I am joining some things in January. I just want to find someone like me, be happy, go on with life, get married, have kids and not have to worry about it.


Ya know?

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I did that test too and was actually happy to see that there were no matches for me. I did it a few years ago when I was really down and thought so little of myself because I was weird, but then seeing that result didn't make me feel weird, I started to really see that I am unique and maybe the person best for me isn't a match, but rather a compliment of who I am. I try not to look at people as matches, but as what I like about them and how I respond to them. In all honesty, I think if I did find a perfect match, I'd be fighting with them all the time and I don't want that.

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I'm not so much looking for a match. I'm a person who likes to feel secure, with little change and I don't like a lot of people or new environments. I'm very anti-social, so I want someone that isn't as social as most ppl so that I don't have to feel pressured into "hanging out with her friends" and stuff like that.


That seems really... really hard to find. Of course I don't want her to match me, but as long as she can respect our differences as I will then all is good..


I dunno, I just want to be happy and night fight and be with someone who will love me for who I am... Someone I can be happy and secure with.

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