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high vs. drunk

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ive done both and i can assure you, there is a huge difference bewteen high and drunk...


being high effects most people differently. here's how the two effect me personally.


1. being high makes me feel like im fine one minute, then the next, im in slow motion. i'll just be walking, and i'll slow down and just walk REALLY slow because i feel like im in slow motion. lol

2. being high...almost anything is the funniest thing of your life, even if nothing has happened at all.

3. being high makes me have no idea what i just did recently. i'll have these moods where i'll come-to for a little bit, and i have no idea why im doing something. ie. doing the robot by myself. (random stuff)

4. being high to me always has little 'hits' or spots where it hits me REALLY hard, then im ok for a little bit. it's like an off-on kind of thing where i feel really messed up...then ok...then messed up...then ok.

5. and being high gives you a hunder and a thirst that seemingly cannot be quinched!


being drunk to me is much different.


1. when drunk, im able to think very clearly, but i cant act out what im thinking. it's like my mind and body arent working together. ie. i'll say something to someone and then be thinking "that was stupid, what did that even mean" but then i just keep on talking stupid. lol

2. being drunk makes me very outgoing from my usual shy personality. i'll talk to anyone, at anytime. when sober...not a chance.

3. i stumble a lot when drunk, i'll simple lose balance when im just standing still. and i find it difficult to talk because my words dont come out right and my sentences often come out like, "DUDE! are you fine?!" when i really meant to ask, "hey man, are you drunk?". and i find even though im trying really hard to do something, like throw a ping pong ball, i cant do it because my body has its own agenda and my mind is just along for the ride.



this is the best way i can explain it. it's really weird i know and is probably of little help since a lot of it doesnt make sense, but this is the best way i can discribe it. i dont smoke and get high anymore, i just drink now, i like it better than weed because it doesnt make you stupid over time.

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one more thing, it's funny, when im high, i often question my existence. i was talking to a group of guys, and nobody was talking to me...so i steped back and was touching my self to make sure i was real. because i thought they couldnt see me and i didnt exsist. being drunk doesnt do this to me at all. lol

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Being drunk makes you feel more bloated, sick, dizzy, and gross, in my opinion. Also, hang overs BITE! And alcohol doesn't even help with your higher order thinking skills. (hah.)


Drugs, in my experince, never made me feel bloated, sick, or dizzy. And being under the influence has made me come upon many intelligent, enlightening ideas. No hangovers, too


Not that I'm condoning drug use, though. But if I had to choose between the two . . .

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Well what happens to me is...

When I'm high on weed I get really relaxed and calm, and say everything that pops into my mind with out feeling self conscious. Oh and it's like all my senses are ten times better. It's really weird. For example food suddenly tastes sooo good. Once I ate a toasted cheese sandwhich and it took me about 30 mins to finish it because I was really tasting every bite because I couldn't believe it was so good. And my hearing is always better too... little noises that I normally wouldn't notice are suddenly really loud. If I bump my leg or something it hurts ten times more then usual too. Oh and the first time I got high I ended up just sitting staring for over an hour because everything around me was moving. My friend kept saying are you ok why are you just sitting there and I kept saying cant you see everything moving look. Hahaha

And every now and then everything goes in slow motion.


When I'm drunk I get really clumsy and slur my words. I also get really excited about everything and jump around and giggle a lot. And look for silly things that I can do like play hide and seek or something weird like that. Now that I think about it, it kind of makes me act like I'm 5 years old haha


Note: I've only been high 2 times in my life and while its fun to try it, I would never recommend that someone use drugs for an ongoing period or to cope with depression or something like that. It's not a good idea

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People who smoke weed for long periods of time, or it can happen at any time develop panic attacks, anxiety dissorders. It messes with your brain, drugs do drag you down, make it harder to feel happy when not on them.


Both are bad, but drinking doesn't destroy your system in CASUAL use. Drinking, both are horrible. Both are suicide when it comes to the addiction.


Drinking over smoking though, it wont screw your brain over.

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Drinking over smoking though, it wont screw your brain over.


For someone who has an alcoholic father- that is the biggest, fattest lie I have ever heard.



These are the words I associate with each:


drunk: stupid, embarrassing, bloated, hyperactive, nauseus, outgoing, mind-cluttered.


high: relaxed, calm, dizzy, carefree, quiet, bad breath, lazy.


Ideally, you don't want to do either of them. You are much better off without. BUT both can be enjoyable in small quantities every so often. There is certainly a stigma attached to weed, due to it's illegal nature.

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no I talked to my doctor about smoking he said nothing about any long term issues with off and on smoking. but hey to each their own.


But you can die from over drinking. However pot you cannot die from over smoking. (Although you may feel slightly sick.)


Did you also know that hard night's drinking can damage memory cells in the brain? (Blacking out and not remember is an example.) You can also kill your liver and other fun things. So both are drugs, both can be bad but at the same time I don't mind smoking a little or drinking.

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Smoking is more laid back and relaxing. It's great if you are by yourself, or if you're with friends and you want to laugh. Causes some concentration problems... it affects your short term memory, so you can forget what you were thinking about in the middle of a thought. Your senses are amplified and slowed down. For instance, if you get pinched while sober, the feeling lasts for a split second... while stoned, you'd feel it for 5 seconds or more. However, it also has an effect on pain... it actually feels good. Everything feels good. The wind is my favorite Colors are brighter, sounds are more clear... your sense of smell can be totally taken out though, if you smoke. If you eat or use a vaporizer, then smell is amplified as well.


Drinking is fun, upbeat, and social. If you want to have some wild conversations at a party or hanging out with a group of friends, it's good. Hang overs are not fun and can be prevented by not drinking too much and staying hydrated. To me, it's like a warm tingly feeling all over. But the effects all depend on how much you consume. With marijuana, you're either high or you aren't. The progression to drunkenness is less steep.


For me, drinking is something that I wouldn't do alone.. only in a social situation. Marijuana is something that I'd prefer to do solo.


Just as long as you don't over-do it... both of them are great.

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smoking weed makes me very relaxed, and if it's some bomb weed then it's a very deep high, like a generally happy feeling. drinking makes me loose and feel very happy too, it just makes me have a good time wherever i'm at. I myself prefer to drink, but if you combine the two it makes for a very wonderful night

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smoking weed makes me very relaxed, and if it's some bomb weed then it's a very deep high, like a generally happy feeling. drinking makes me loose and feel very happy too, it just makes me have a good time wherever i'm at. I myself prefer to drink, but if you combine the two it makes for a very wonderful night


Unless you smoke so much that you forget your drink count. That can be unpleasant.

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Alchohol > Drugs if you look at when it does to your health. Ill try to name a few bad things about drugs that makes it more dangerous then alchohol.


Drugs are easier to get addicted to then alchohol


It is easier to start taking drugs while alone then drinking, drinking is something most people feel as a social event, so most people would never dream of doing it while they were alone.


If you start buying drugs regulary you can get sucked into a very unhealthy circle of friends because of it being illegal.


Drugs are illegal alchohol is not, at least not after 18.. oh sorry 21 in the US



I agree both are bad for you, but if you had to pick one you should pick alchohol. And if you plan on doing both.. Remember not to mix

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Drugs are easier to get addicted to then alchohol


He's not talking about drugs.. hes talking about marijuana. Alcohol is one of the most widespread addictions in the world. It is PHYSICALLY addicting, whereas marijuana is not.


Alcohol affects your health negatively in a TON of different ways.


Not to mention the fact that you can drink too much alcohol and actually die from it. You can't die specifically from marijuana.


Go do some reading.

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He's not talking about drugs.. hes talking about marijuana. Alcohol is one of the most widespread addictions in the world. It is PHYSICALLY addicting, whereas marijuana is not.


Alcohol affects your health negatively in a TON of different ways.


Not to mention the fact that you can drink too much alcohol and actually die from it. You can't die specifically from marijuana.


Go do some reading.


I think that marijuana addiction is definitely at least partly physical. My ex used to smoke week every day. About 8-10 tightly packed cones. I eventually convinced him to try and stop. Within a couple of days, he was nauseus, throwing up, had headaches and had insomnia. He also had very vivid dreams for the first time in years. This became progressively less over about a month, until he eventually started smoking again.


If that's not physical addiction, I don't know what is.


You can also definitely die from marijuana. Because it is usually smoked unfiltered, you are inhaling all kinds of toxins that can eventually lead to lung cancer. Not only that, but it increases your chances of developing psychotic illnesses.


I'm not sticking up for alcohol here either. Both have huge cosequences on health and society if abused.


I tend to have the view, that when it comes to recreational drugs, it should be all or nothing legal.

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It's been proven that marijuana is not physically addictive. You can easily find information about that, and the differences between physical and psychological addiction through your favorite search engine.


My point was that the active drug in alcohol can kill you if use too much of it at once. You can't do that with marijuana.


Marijuana does not have to be smoked. You can vaporize it, which has no smoke/toxins and gets you high just the same. You can bake it into cake and eat it. There are all kinds of ways to get stoned without smoking it.


In fact, it turns out that smoking marijuana is less dangerous for your lungs than everyone thought. There was a recent study (this year recent) done by UCLA that found no link between smoking marijuana and lung cancer, even when smoked heavily.

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It's been proven that marijuana is not physically addictive. You can easily find information about that, and the differences between physical and psychological addiction through your favorite search engine.



I've just used your search engine method, typing in "physical addiction" marijuana. I found no reputable sites stating that you cannot have a physical addiction to marijuana. I also took a psychology class about drugs about a year back. The consensus was that marijuana addiction was not widely understood and there is no conclusion either way.


There are constantly new studies indicating different things, that later become refuted.


Regardless of whether you can or can't have a physical addiction to Marijuana is beside the point. It causes phyical withdrawal symptoms when someone uses it chronically, until they resume using it.


You may or may not believe what I'm saying. Until you've seen it with your own eyes, you cannot understand the power of addiction (psychological or otherwise).

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Regardless of whether you can or can't have a physical addiction to Marijuana is beside the point. It causes phyical withdrawal symptoms when someone uses it chronically, until they resume using it.



I smoked anwhere from 3-8 times / day for about 3 years. I quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant, and never experienced a single withdrawal symptom.


I agree with the other poster. It is not physically addictive.


Of course, it affects you physically, so you will notice physical changes when you quit. But that is not the same as an addiction.

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You may or may not believe what I'm saying. Until you've seen it with your own eyes, you cannot understand the power of addiction (psychological or otherwise).


I'm sorry. It appears that you are jaded due to your ex's overuse and abuse of the substance. I'm sure that was probably hard for you to go through, having to beg him to stop and all. Who knows what else you went through in that relationship.


However, that makes it impossible to have a discussion about it since you have all of this "inside information" that I don't have.


Don't worry, we don't have to talk about it anymore.

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