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Should I inform ex of NC??


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My girlfriend and I decided that we would take some time apart. However, I am using this time to detox myself from her completely, because I dont think the relationship is going to survive. We started an online blog and we've been both blogging about our days and so forth. However, after communicating with several people, I dont think that was such a good idea. I want to go without talking to her, but know its going to be hard. My plan is to totally cut all communication lines until I know for sure what I want to do.


Should I inform her of my plans of NC or I should I just do it???

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if you're going to do this, out of respect for the relationship and her, tell her you want space with no talking or other comm for x number of days/weeks/whatever. after that time, if you still don't think the relationship will work, meet up with her and formally break it off.

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Hi Penn00Si,


In my opinion, since you both decided you need time apart, you don't have to tell her anything. Nothing.


It will be hard not to talk to her. Since this was a mutual decision, and from what I read from you post, you don't want to talk to her. Since the blog was not such a good idea, I don't think that you should tell her anything. Start NC today!


Good Luck!


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