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the spot that drives you insane


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Each woman has an errogenous zone that when touched gets them in the mood. Sometimes it is something obscure and sometimes it is something obvious, I am looking for answers from women about their particular spot and from guys stating what has worked with females you have been with.


Probably the most common errogenous zone in my experience would be the nipples, of course the techniques were different for each girl. What has been your experience and feel free to throw in the strange errogenous zones as well.

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If I have sex on my mind, everthing pretty much becomes a potential erogenous zone, however I would say the biggest one for me is my knee. If my husband happens to place his hand on it and rub or squeeze, I'm ready to go. Sometimes he'll do it just to be a pain in the behind, especially if we're out to dinner with others and we're sitting next to one another in a booth.



but I'm wondering if the neck is an erogenous zone for any guys, too


Seems to be for mine....




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I believe the most effective way to get a woman to react to your touch is to be able to make her feel a certain way. Typically, this is accomplished through talking. I think once you get any woman to a certain point by making her feel a certain way, she will react positively to almost any touch (if not attack you).


As far as specific physical locations, I would think areas that are touched less (by clothing and everyday living) could possibly set her off such as the back of her neck, just beneath her underarms, ears, and inner thighs.

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I believe the most effective way to get a woman to react to your touch is to be able to make her feel a certain way. Typically, this is accomplished through talking.


This is spot-on (no pun intended with research I've read that indicates women respond more physically when an emotional connection has been forged. So, when sex is preceded by emotional intimacy, that really helps!

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So far I guess I am the only one with this one on this thread!:


For me, that spot on my lower back, just at the lower spine....touch/pressure there just drives me over the wall.


That's actually a great spot! There are lots of nerve endings centered there, a little known fact.

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My girlfriend has a few oddities, and I do as well.


The tips of the hip bones, kissing there drives her absolutely nuts. Same with the lower back, and the edges of the collar bones. Also likes it if I slowly kiss all down her thighs, but what girl doesn't


I think a lot of guys are uncomfortable with this, but the nipples for me are pretty fantastic. Pretty much any kissing down my neck and chest gets me going real fast, but her kissing my nipples is definitely one thing that gets me going like nobodies business.

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I absolutely love it when my boyfriend strokes my head and hair, if we get a little kinky, pulling it a little drives me crazy! As for my boyfriend he is in heaven when I kiss his neck and nibble on his ear lobes, he also loves me kissing his nipples oh yeah!

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well, the stock answer is the biggest erogenous zone is the brain! by that i mean, you can get someone totally turned on without even touching them if the chemistry between you is good, and then anywhere you touch is on the money... and if the chemistry is bad, you could hit all the erogenous zones at once, and nothing turns her on...


so ask her what she likes, treat her right... talk to her about what you'd like to do to her... etc. everybody is different...

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