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relationship better than ever but one problem


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I don't know if anyone remembers but about 3 months ago i posted on here about my girlfriend. she was treating me real bad and so on and showed signs of cheating. well since then i am happy to say that things have actually changed!

my girlfriend is real loving now.we took the ferry and spent lots of days on the island close by having exotic lunches and shopping and basically making up for time we spent having fights. I am guessing she now appreciates how good i have treated her in the past since she apologized for her past behavior and goes out of to do nice things like bake bake my favorite chocolate cake and so on. I have never seen her like this...well when we first started to date.


Ok here is the problem, we found out she is pregnant. nope thats not the problem either...its that it seems now she loves me to death one minute and the next minute i am her worst enemy. During the day we send nice emails from work making up baby names although it maybe a little early for that ..but its still fun and by the end of the day when she reaches home and talks to me on the phone she hates me and says she does not want anything to do with me. i asked my friend who was pregnant for advice and she says this is normal and some women despise their baby daddies when pregnant. is this true? because it is driving me crazy. please i am 21 yrs old and have no idea how to deal with this

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I'd say it's normal to be that emotional...First of all, her hormones are going haywire and she may not always be able to subdue her emotions. Then, her life will change SO MUCH, and if she's not ready for that, she may be resentful, although she still cares about you. And then there's the issue of physical discomfort, which also causes some resentment...and I, too, have heard stories of women cursing their husbands to **** and wishing them the most painful death when they're in the delivery room...


Have you talked about her pregnancy? Is she going to keep the baby? Are you going to care for it -- and her -- after she gives birth? Maybe she's scared that you'll leave her when she needs you most?

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