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Birth Control?


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Okay, I know, I know, I'm pretty young and I shouldn't be having sex. But I did, and I did the wekend after and this past weekend. My frist time was with my bf in his brothers bed, his mom found out because we didn't clean anything or whatever. So she put a scare unto us about pregnancy and stuff. But we used a condom. We used condoms for the last few times too. but this weekend we ran out. So we stopped, because we didn't have any more protection. His mom told me I should go on the pill, I know what it is and everyhting but, uh...how do I get it? and where? I also wanna go on it with out my mom knowing. His mom knows but my mom doesn't, because I know she'll freak out. So what do I do?

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You need to schedule an appointment with your doctor, or go to planned parenthood. you can find them in the phone book. I think before you continue having sex, you should really learn more about the risks and consequences of sex, and how to protect yourself. seriously. you don't want to be a mom at 13, or have to have an abortion. get the facts and be safe.

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So lets connect the dots a little more...


She's old enough/responsible enuff to be on be birth control; why can't she tell her mom that?


The obvious fact is that parents don't usually see eye to eye with their kids... especially when it comes to sex. Maybe you might be open minded enough to support your 13 year old daughter's choice to have sex and help her get birth control, but most people out there don't think that way..

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I'm glad that kids these days are being smart and responsible by taking the proper precaution in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. However, I am more sadden that teenagers don't value their innocence anymore. When I was thirteen, I thought boys were stupid and I wanted to throw rocks at them. I believed in the tales told by my mother and grandmothers that babies were made by crossing the stream of a boy urinating or sitting in the same chair that he previously sat. I didn't learn about the birds and the bees until a few years later.

Don't be so quick to grow up - enjoy your youth, your innocence. At your age, you should be worrying about the next latest trends not about birth control, sex, and pregnancy.

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I was 13 when I first had sex and went on the pill at 14. Looking back I know I was really young, but I don't feel any regret and it didn't damage me in any way.


I now have a contraceptive implant, it may be worth speaking to your doctor about this option as with this, you won't have pills to hide from your parents and you won't forget to take them.


You should still carry on using condoms though as they will prevent you catching any STi's.

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Well, seeing that you already had sex, I am just going to answer your question wihtout telling you anything about being too young, because the decision was clearly already made in your mind.


As the other posters have said, you can learn about different birth control options at a Planned Parenthood clinic link removed. You can be seen without parental consent and everything will be confidential. But it's still important to use condoms to protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.


Remember, just because you have had sex already does not mean there's no turning back. You can stop at any time.


You need to ask yourself the hard questions like: What would happen if you became pregnant? What would happen if your parents found out about you having sex?


These are all risks you take each time you do it, so just be sure that you think the act is worth the risk.


How old is your boyfriend? His mother seemed to handle the news calmly.



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I'm glad that kids these days are being smart and responsible by taking the proper precaution in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. However, I am more sadden that teenagers don't value their innocence anymore. When I was thirteen, I thought boys were stupid and I wanted to throw rocks at them. I believed in the tales told by my mother and grandmothers that babies were made by crossing the stream of a boy urinating or sitting in the same chair that he previously sat. I didn't learn about the birds and the bees until a few years later.

Don't be so quick to grow up - enjoy your youth, your innocence. At your age, you should be worrying about the next latest trends not about birth control, sex, and pregnancy.


Yeah, times have changed. Kids are maturing earlier both mentally and physically. It's hard for some people to believe. The important thing is, we need to accommodate for them, otherwise our 13 year olds are going to end up being 13 year old parents.


No one wants to tell their parents they are having sex, regardless of whether they approve (mostly they don't). I would suggest going to one of those planned parenthood places, depending on where you live. Otherwise, get some more condoms and keep using them.

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I'm glad that kids these days are being smart and responsible by taking the proper precaution in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. However, I am more sadden that teenagers don't value their innocence anymore. When I was thirteen, I thought boys were stupid and I wanted to throw rocks at them. I believed in the tales told by my mother and grandmothers that babies were made by crossing the stream of a boy urinating or sitting in the same chair that he previously sat. I didn't learn about the birds and the bees until a few years later.

Don't be so quick to grow up - enjoy your youth, your innocence. At your age, you should be worrying about the next latest trends not about birth control, sex, and pregnancy.


I know some that have started as early as 10 I think it's great that she's thinking about contraception. I don't think it's great that she's only 13 and having sex. Is your mind really mature enough to deal with consequences of having sex?

I knew all about the birds and the bees when my mom told me and my sisters at 8. But even though I knew about sex, I did not have any interest in it at 13. I had more interest playing barbies with my friends.....


Contraception is not 100%. There will always be a risk of pregnancy, albeit a small risk.....however, the risk will always be there.

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The obvious fact is that parents don't usually see eye to eye with their kids... especially when it comes to sex. Maybe you might be open minded enough to support your 13 year old daughter's choice to have sex and help her get birth control, but most people out there don't think that way..


I'm definitely not open minded to let my 13-year old have sex.


Parents and thier kids have their differences, but it doesn't mean the parents are always wrong.


What I was getting at was that if her mom is going to freak out, it's for good reason. If you're old enuff to be having sex, you should probably be old enough to stand up for your decisions with your parents.


Yes, she's having sex, so it's good that she's trying to be responsible. But preventing pregnancy is just one aspect of being sexually active. There is so much much more to it.


I agree with Annie24, the OP should find out as much as she can about sex, now that she is sexually active.


I know no one really wants to be told they are too young, but 13 really is too young to be having sex.


13 years old.


Thats 7th grade.


Thats one year out of elementary school.


No one in their right mind can tell me a 13 year old is ready for sex.

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Here's one thing that you can do.


Lot's of younger girls that aren't sexually active are put on birth control to help regulate their periods and help with cramps. You can tell your mom that, or talk to your doctor about it. That way, you can let your mom know about being on birth control without having her freak out.


I knew a lot of girls that got around it that way. I bet if you do a google search on it, you'll be able to find out more information about it.


But if you're having sex, you need to get put on something. You can't trust a condom (or a guy).

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I'm glad that kids these days are being smart and responsible by taking the proper precaution in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. However, I am more sadden that teenagers don't value their innocence anymore. When I was thirteen, I thought boys were stupid and I wanted to throw rocks at them. I believed in the tales told by my mother and grandmothers that babies were made by crossing the stream of a boy urinating or sitting in the same chair that he previously sat. I didn't learn about the birds and the bees until a few years later.

Don't be so quick to grow up - enjoy your youth, your innocence. At your age, you should be worrying about the next latest trends not about birth control, sex, and pregnancy.


I agree with your post Sun kissed.It's sad to see sooo many teenager under 18 having sex.

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In a way though, it's not really sad, it's just natural. Surely once we've hit puberty, our bodies are ready for sex? Whether our minds are ready is a different matter altogether as children nowadays are so mommycoddled and aren't given any responsibilities.

In years gone by, people used to marry and start families a lot younger than we do today. Romeo and Juliet were only 14.

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In a way though, it's not really sad, it's just natural. Surely once we've hit puberty, our bodies are ready for sex? Whether our minds are ready is a different matter altogether as children nowadays are so mommycoddled and aren't given any responsibilities.

In years gone by, people used to marry and start families a lot younger than we do today. Romeo and Juliet were only 14.


I'm tending to agree with this. I just don't think society is tolerant enough of young mothers. Most people can't help the way they feel. If nature intended for you to go and procreate after hitting puberty, it only makes sense that young teenagers are going to want to have sex. There are just far too many social implications involved in the matter. Because of these, the only way around it is to teach safe sex and offer young people access to birth control. Kids are going to have sex whether you like it or not.


I had sex for the first time at 15. I believe that I was more than ready to handle it. The legal age of consent is 16 where I'm from and I do feel that's adequate. Then again, I always had confidentiality with my doctor and lots of access to information via the internet, books and magazines.

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In a way though, it's not really sad, it's just natural. Surely once we've hit puberty, our bodies are ready for sex? Whether our minds are ready is a different matter altogether as children nowadays are so mommycoddled and aren't given any responsibilities.

In years gone by, people used to marry and start families a lot younger than we do today. Romeo and Juliet were only 14.


By that logic, as soon as your have your first period, that means you should go out and get pregnant; because it's natural.


Just because something was true in the past, doesn't mean that it was right.


Don't mistake advances in child behaverial science as a sign that children now a days are "mommycoddled."


If it's okay for 13 year old's to have sex, why is it wrong for 18 year olds to have sex with 13 year old's?

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By that logic, as soon as your have your first period, that means you should go out and get pregnant; because it's natural.


Just because something was true in the past, doesn't mean that it was right.


Don't mistake advances in child behaverial science as a sign that children now a days are "mommycoddled."


If it's okay for 13 year old's to have sex, why is it wrong for 18 year olds to have sex with 13 year old's?


I had sex with an 18 year old when i was 13.

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