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he reads my blog,and tells me he still cares


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I don't understand.My ex has been reading my blog daily without fail,thats what he said.And he said no matter what,he still cares.And what does that mean?Its been about 3 months we last broke up.

Recently,he even told me he's having a short vacation soon and asked me whether I would love to come along.I said yes,but this time not expecting anything in return,but I know deep inside I still love him.

Any tips on what i should do,and what does he mean that he still cares?

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Did he dump you? If so, then I think all he means by "he still cares" is that he hasn't found someone else yet and it's nice having the security of you to fall back on until he does.


People don't dump people they love and see a future with. He could be trying to ease his guilt, trying to keep you on the back burner, or who knows what else. The important thing isn't what he is saying, it's what he is NOT saying; and he is NOT saying "I love you, miss you, and want you back."


If I were you I'd stop entertaining him in any way. Take care of you, then find someone who cares about you AND doesn't even dump you.

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who broke up with whom?


if he's telling you he still cares and wants to go on vacation with you, what is stopping him from suggesting that he wants to get back together with you??? if he isn't making that suggestion, the rest is moot. he is using you as his saftey cushion. blah.

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People don't dump people they love and see a future with.


True, but that doesn't always mean that they won't see a future with the person after a time apart.



Alicia, it is very possible that he is reconsidering the relationship and is possibly thinking about getting back together, don't rule it out entirely. But at the same time, don't count on it either. Tread carefully. Like everyone here has said, don't be his safety net. I don't recommend going on this vacation with him, as he hasn't actually outright asked you to try and start again. I would politely decline the invitation, and if he begins to suggest spending more and more time together, sit down with him and ask him if he wants to get back together, and if the answer is anything other than "yes, I want to get back together", walk away and don't look back until he does. If he never does, you are better off.

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If you two arent discussing the possiblity of getting back together, it might be a good idea not to vacation with him. I believe that he very well still love you. Its hard not to love someone that you've invested time and energy in. However, I believe, just because you love someone, doesnt mean that you want to be with them. If you're trying to move on, then cancel the trip. It will only open up the past and sometimes that can make the present worse. Wish you the best.

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