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exes and myspace and flirting...

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i found out my ex is DJing on friday. i suspected it was for this girl's club - a girl that was chatting him up ONE WEEK after we broke up. he says it's a "secret". i checked, and sure enough, he is listed as DJing on her myspace.


i then noticed that he had exchanged cutesy myspace comments with another girl that i saw chatting him up TWO DAYS after we broke up.


he has denied it in both cases. but i know this can't be coincidence.


i have a band so my myspace is useful - i can't delete myself. but it is driving me absolutely insane. its not the checking that upsets me - it's the fact that i know he is gonna get together with someone pretty soon and it's going to absolutely destroy me when he does. "my" boy with another girl. how do i handle this? how do i stay angry? can i really only get through this by making myself hate his guts?

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Well from the sounds of it may it be that they are just friends?

I know its hard to see your ex even being friends with another girl so soon after breaking up but if its that hard for you to see maybe you shouldnt visit him page.

I know that isn't what you want to hear and I may not be much help but its only going to hurt worse if you keep checking up on him and seeing these things.

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we were together a year, and lived together pretty much from day one due to some circumstances with one of his exes. we were hardly ever apart. i had a terrible sleepless night last night and am wondering today if i should go get medical help or something. after a month i thought i would be feeling much better. i haven't checked up on his myspace etc before.

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