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New to Sex, Questions.


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My gf and I had sex for the first time this weekend. I was her first (though I've had many partners--just got an STD test though 100% clean). We tried to make it special, you know, got a lux suite, champagne, etc--but in my mind I knew that for her it really wouldn't make much of a difference (nerves and all).


Okay this part gets a little more graphic, I apologize...


She bled a little, which I was expecting, and of course it was painful. We had sex three times that night and each time it was a little less painful. She was sore in the morning (which was to be expected).


Anyway last nite we had sex again, and she bled again. In the morning she said she was still bleeding. I wasn't able to find out more information about it--but it worried me.


My question is, how long before the pain goes away? How long before she stops bleeding?


I tried a little more warm up with extra fingers, and such, but it's still painful for her.


I care a lot about her, and I guess I'm just a little worried that this important aspect of our relationship is causing her discomfort.

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The first few times of having sex can be painful. There's no way around some pain. Just be glad that you are working together and you are doing all you can to help it not be as painful as it could be.


It might take a few more times for her to really get used to it. Just continue with what you are doing and do lots of foreplay.

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The reason she keeps bleeding is because you keep aggravating the wound. A girl really needs some time to heal after she loses her virginity. It's painful. Give her a a week and she should be fine. If the bleeding and pain continues after then she could have an infection.


It's nice that you're as caring as you are. Not all guys are

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It can vary really, I had minimal pain my first time, but my best friend on the other hand had a painful experience and bled for a week as well.


It just takes a bit to get used to it, and to relax enough to get lubricated and ready enough to avoid any tears as well. When you are nervous and tense up, you tend not to lubricate as well, and tend to not relax increasing risk of tears and so on.


But yeah, give it time.

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