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is there anyone that had sex @ a young age and doesnt regret


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thanks for answering guys. i agree that it is different with guys, since us girls tend to be a little more emotional about this decision. will some girls please answer (along with some more guys ) so i know what all the other females think too??!!



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I have never had sex yet, but I do know morality and physiology. Physiologically sex at a young age could possibly damage your sexual organs or alter their maturation. It is better to wait until your organs have reached maturity before doing it.

Also, morally, if you have sex at such a young age it is highly doubtful that the relationship will be life-long, as all sexual relationships should be. For in essense according to God's law you are married in the eyes of God to the person you have sex with, so if you have sex that young it is binding as marriage in the eyes of God. This creates problems for there is no way you will be able to maintain such a relationship. If you did it at a young age you should regret it, for it may have caused physical or emotional damage. I hope this professional perspective helps.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I had sex when i was 15, and i was with someone that I really loved and I do not regret it at all. I am almost 19 now, and I am not with the person anymore but i was with him for over 2 years. if you feel that you are ready and you are comfrotable with the person then i don't think that there is anything wrong with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

okay i don't regret it.... i lost my virginity when i was thirteen and i am fourteen now and have an 11 month old son and pregnant again- about to get kicked out of my house i am sure when i tell my parents! so i don't regret having my son, i regret having him and his brother/sister so damn early! i regret my irresponsibility!



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Its always been different for guys and girls. Maybe its the pain aspect of it, or maybe its the fact that guys defienetly masturbate so its not so allien to them. Plus there is that cultural thingy. Majority of Muslim and Hindy girls consider pre-marital sex a taboo, and so do guys. According to a survey 63% of guys think its hot when a women is virgin before she is married.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i was 15 when i first had sex and i deffinatley don't regret it. i really love the guy i am still with. we are haveing a rough time at the moment because my parents found out and they think we are lying to them about how many times it happened. (which was only once like we told them) but his parents are ok with it. we do know however that it was a mistake to do it too early but we did it responsibly.

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the second timei had sex it was unprotected sex i was drunk and hi so it was my fault and it wasnt (not tryin to pass the blame) and i dont know if my g/f is prgnant i have only known her a week but when i lost my verginity to her i only knew her that day and i am scared shit less but if ya are gonna lose ya verginity make sure ya aint drunk cos i "didnt have felling" if ya know what i mean in that are so i couldnt really feel anything but yeah if 2 ppl want to have sex let em just make sure its protected and both ppl want to and they aint forced but yeah its a good time emotions are high and it can be so relaxing enjoy ..........lol



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i lost my virginity less than two months after my 14th birthday, and i don't regret it. i'm 17 now and i don't have any emotional scars from it or anything. even though i almost hate the guy i lost my virginity to, the reason isn't because of that, the thought of him just disgusts me because he tried having sex with me four months ago (we broke up about a year and a half ago) when i was trying to sleep (i had to share a hotel room with him and somebody else because we went to a concert and had to stay two nights)

but as far as losing my virginity, it really doesn't bother me that i lost it at 14. my current boyfriend, however, lost his WAY too young...when he was only 7 years old. i don't know if he regrets it or not, because just the thought of it disturbs me and i don't like talking about it. he doesn't seem to be affected by it though.

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I was 17 my 1st time...the only thing I regret is picked the wrong guy to sleep with. He was a moron A lot depends of the emotional maturity of the couples. Ideally one should wait until they are an adult (18 or so) but some people can have sex earlier without any adverse long term affects.

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You asked for some 'women answers':


My first kiss was when I was eleven. It is said that the average time between your first kiss and the 'real thing' is three years. I was sixteen when I lost my virginity, no regrets of doing this. Between my first kiss and my sixteenth, I had several other sexual experiences. My first blowjob was at the age of fourteen.


I do not regret this sexual experience at all!

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My first kiss was when I was eleven. It is said that the average time between your first kiss and the 'real thing' is three years. I was sixteen when I lost my virginity, no regrets of doing this.

I do not regret this sexual experience at all!

I did not get my first kiss until I was 20 and I had sex for the first time when I was 21 I am still 21 so I gess I am slow at this whole sex thing.

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