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Doctor SOOO mean


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I have been so upset. The doctor was extremely rude. A total mongrel

Some pople are pure evil the complete and utter scum of the earth. I tried to ask her to be humane and stop yelling. In hindsight I should have walked out of the morons office sooner. I screamed at her and everyone in the surgury.

How the hell do you tolerate evil scum that deserve to have thir brains blown out. (There would be no brain....just maggots)

People think they are alive because they are moving, making noise and walking around. This is crap, they are really souless evil demons.


Go to the doctor at yopur own risk you may be better off drinking acid :

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I've had some bad experiences with docs, too...don't get me started


A couple of things that help me when I need to find a doctor:


>Remember, YOU are employing THEM. You have as much right to expect good "customer service" as you would from any other person or company you pay for goods and services.


>Keep in mind medicine is as much "art" as "science." In many cases, you know your body better than a doctor because you have lived in it and with it 24/7 your entire life.


>Just like any other profession, some docs are going to be more competent than others. If you're being treated by a doc you suspect may be toward the lower end of the competency scale, don't hesitate to end that relationship and find a better one.


>Docs are people...and you are going to get along with some people better than others. If you do not like/respect your doc on a personal level or feel you can get along with them well enough to work together, it's time to find another one.


It's difficult to stand up for yourself. Even more difficult when you are standing up for yourself in a situation where you're not feeling physically well, and standing up to a person you've been conditioned to obey, respect and who you may believe knows everything. But no one else is going to do that for you.

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Definitely find a doctor who is not like that. I'll never understand rude doctors. They are working for you. You are paying them to help you.. so don't let someone work for you who doesn't respect you.


There are some great doctors out there. You just have to find one that you are happy and comfortable with.

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Wow, sorry you had to go through such a bad experience with your doc.


I am going to echo everyone else in saying to find a new doctor.


What I have learned, and I am echoing shes2smart here, is that doctors are not infallible,


They are real people and should treat you as a real person,


Anytime you are not comfortable with the situation, it's time to find someone new,


You deserve utmost respect and don't settle for less until you find it.


Unfortunately, some seek to abuse authority and it was at your detriment.


Hugs, Rose

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Today I saw another doctor and after telling him very personal and upsetting thigs he was extremely mean to me.

I feel that ever since I made a complaint about one doctor now they are all ganging up on me and trying to make my life hell.

I have been sobbing for hours. They have been mongrels because I made a complaint.

Such injustice and cruelty, they are not humane, just determined to sound right even if it means making lies about you to make themselves seem right. They just look after eachother and don't give a damn about the patient. An extremely evil scam. At least I am not asleep like a sheep. Problem is when you wake up to the plans of scum they are aware and try to undermine you and make you out to be mad. They are so evil, they strike when you are most vulnerable.

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After reading this thread I am still not understanding exactly what happened. I realize that the doctors have not treated you appropriately in your opinion, but we do not yet know much background about actually occurred between them and you that upset you.


IF you feel comfortable doing so , maybe you could elaborate a bit and give us more detail of how each doctor visit became so horrible for you .


Sorry you are having troubles with finding a doctor that will treat you in the manner you are expecting. Yes we all should expect to be treated with respect , and courtesy at the doctors, and be comfortable giving them medical history, or talking about health issues.


Please let us know what transpired at your doctor visits that caused you to become upset.

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Yes, details would be helpful at this point. Like: What condition are you trying to get treated for? What are the docs saying/doing that is upsetting you? What are you saying to them and how are you reacting to them during your visit? What are your expectations for their behavior? How are those expectations not being met?


Sometimes, when you keep encountering the same thing over and over, you have to take a look at what your expectations and actions are, and figure out what you can do differently to have a different outcome. Yes, there incompetent, rude, mean and clueless docs. However, in any situation you're involved in, you are a part of creating the interaction. None of us can control what other people do. The only thing any of us has control over is ourselves -- our expectations and our actions. But that is enough to change nearly any situation.

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