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What is going on?


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My bf and I of a year and a half broke up a month ago. He broke up with me because he wanted to be alone, single and felt like he had alot to deal with and needed to do so on his own.


A week later I see him kissing my best friend through the window. He swore there just friends and he can't do a relationship right now anyway so she's just his support. I, obviously was pissed/hurt/devistated. No contact. etc.


Now yesterday I see on facebook that he and her are in an official relationship. After a month. And he was NEVER really alone because it started up right after the breakup.


What the hell is going on?

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Yikes, your ex and your best friend...I'm assuming your ex-best friend now? I'm sorry that had to happen...


I feel like the reasons he gave you were just fabricated because he wanted to sound like a nice guy and make it seem like the problem was with him, not you or the relationship. Maybe he was planning to start seeing your friend all along...or maybe once he broke up with you, he realized that he wanted a girl in his life after all, but didn't want to try things again with you. At any rate, he acted like a pig -- they're kissing, and she's "just his support"? Yeah, right.


It would probably be in your best interest to avoid both of them right now. Block their profiles on facebook if you have to, and start your own healing process. The fact that you're angry should make it easier to start getting over him.


Hang in there! *hugs*

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Oh honey I am so sorry.....Unfortunately when a dumper says "I'm not ready for a relationship, I want to be single, I need to figure some things out" 9 times out of 10 that really means "I don't want to be in a relationship with YOU anymore".


Sounds like he's not someone you want to be in a relationship with anyway, and also sounds like she's not someone you need as a friend.


Don't dwell on this guy. I know its hard, but move on. Don't read into things that he does or says looking for closure, you won't find it there. Good luck honey. We're here for you.

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