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What should i do?

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Ok... i know i said i wouldnt be posting anymore... but.


Anyway, i dont want to get back with my ex. I am way past it. She does not have any of the qualities now that i found attractive in the first place. That being said... She puts up in her myspace questionaire thing a bunch of relationship things.


" would you ever go back with an ex " ~ no

Well, no * * * *. I dont want u back anyway. lol


"what are nono's in a relationship " ~ being too clingy and/or getting angry if i go out without u


You were more clingy than me. And why bring this up when it has been way over. Just let it go.


" Ever thought you found " the one "" ~ I was stupid, but yes


That is where the line is crossed.


I was kind of laughing it up til that last point. I just dont get this woman. Why cant she just let it go. Just leave. I mean.... fine, you dont like me anymore. That is ok. Fine u want to look elsewhere for someone else. I understand that. We are young and sometimes things dont work out. But why do u have to completely take a dump on me. We were great and there were no problems. Come on!! Why is she being so damn cold hearted. I mean, i wouldnt ever do this to someone i once called a friend, let alone a lover. Why does she have to go and post to the world this crap. I did nothing to her. Right now i just feel like letting her have it. I do not deserve this. I feel like i gotta do something here.


I have always taken pride in being the better man... but this is just soo cold. I dont have any feelings left for her, but that does not mean there is any right to go and bash what we did have. What do you think i should do? Let it go ( seems pretty wimpish) or unleash the beast.

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Hey there T&T,


I agree w/ Ta_ree_saw: it'd probably be best if you stop checking out her Myspace.


Just my two cents worth: I can understand why you were put off by what she wrote in her Myspace page but isn't that why it's called *her* space? Her space to disclose *her* thoughts, *her* perspective and *her* life?


I forget where I heard this but someone said, no matter how flat the pancake is, there are always two sides to it ...


You may disagree w/ her perception of how things were in the relationship but that's simply her perception, her version of the truth.


Well, I hope I didn't step on your toes or anything but please stop checking out her page ...


Best wishes to you!

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Actually.. this is the first time i have checked in like almost 3 months. I know i shouldnt have checked. Especially since i dont really care anymore. But come on.


Hey T&T,


Like I said before, it was *not* my intent to make you feel bad or anything ... sorry if I came off that way ...


I just meant that since what you read on her Myspace disconcerted you, you should simply avoid her page.


Anyway, sorry, I know you're just venting ...


Take care!

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Actually.. this is the first time i have checked in like almost 3 months. I know i shouldnt have checked. Especially since i dont really care anymore. But come on.


Hey There T&T,


The thing is, you DO still care, or else this wouldn't be bothering you. Am I right? We know that we are truly over someone when we see things like that and feel ambivilant. It's OK to admit that she still has a hold on you, it's obvious that she does.


I have done things like this in the past and it has always come back to bite me in the behind. Try to remember that your relationship with her is over for a reason.. and then leave her myspace business to her and focus on yourself and your life.

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Why cant she just let it go.


Why can't you?


Right now i just feel like letting her have it. I do not deserve this. I feel like i gotta do something here.


Like saying "I stalking your MySpace page and I totally hate what you wrote".


What do you think i should do? Let it go ( seems pretty wimpish) or unleash the beast.


How about acting like an adult and leave her alone. You do anything and you're the psycho ex that won't go away.

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Well... what i mean is that I dont care about her anymore. I dont have any incling to ever get back with her. Nor do i want to be friends with her. But what i do care about, is a lack of respect.


Hey T&T,


I understand where you're coming from.

But what can you *really* do here?

It's not like you can change her mind about how she perceives what went down during/post the relationship?


It's not like you are going to be able to set the record *straight* ?

To her, what she wrote on her Myspace is *her* truth, just like you have your version of the *truth* ...


Consequently, it's probably the best for *YOU* to just let it go ...


Like Ta-ree-saw says, don't even go there ...

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