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Should I hang out with him?


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Hey everyone! I have a big problem and I'm not sure what to do. My boyfriend broke up with me about a month ago, and I went through a really difficult time dealing with it. I think I'm ready to move on now but I have a big problem.


My best friend and I are both bi sexual. We had hooked up with this guy about a year ago a few times together. We never had sex, but just had some fun. She hung out with him more than I did, and they were kind of together but not really. They never had sex but she hung out with him more than I did.


I have always stayed friends with him..we alway chat online, and on the phone, but never hung out with him without her until last week. He asked me to hang out and I even asked her if she would mind, and she said not at all. We have been hanging out almost everyday and we never once hooked up and I really don't intend to. He is really nice and I really enjoy his company. I feel like he is one of the very few people that have been there for me since my breakup.


Now today she tells me that she doesn't want me to see him at all or even talk to him and that it really bothers her. I'm not sure what to do. She is my best friend but she has a boyfriend and she never even went out with this guy. Maybe I could understand not seeing him withouty her there if that really bothered her..but she doesnt want me to talk to him at all.


I've been ignoring him all day, and I feel so bad..I'm not sure what to do](*,)


Any advice would be appriciated

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Think about it. Your "friend" is restricting you from seeing or talking to someone. How is she the authority on who you or he is allowed to socialize with? Have you asked her why its such a big deal now? Think of how this poor guy must feel, you've been hanging out and now you ignore him, its not really fair to treat him so badly on her whim.

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For once I agree with CB (wow never thought I'd say that!) she has no right to tell you not to see him. Seems like some sort of childish jealousy that you're getting to be a better friend to him than she is.


So...talk to your guy friend he shouldn't be dumped on your best friend's "say so"

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