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What type of hair styles do women like on guys?


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What kind of hair styles do women find attractive on guys? Just curious if most women like guys with short hair, long hair or being bald?...I have tried many hair styles in the past except shaving my head bald and never had any luck..Other day ago one of my teammates on my team said that alot of women find him attractive due to his hair being long (not to long like a girl) thats why he never cut his hair, he used to have it short but now its a little long and many women like it...I am thinking about growing out my hair just alittle bit..Maybe I will get some luck! Do many women find guys attractive with long hair?

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Well, I think its different for each guy. Some guys look great with long hair and some guys look terrible. If a guy has curly hair and grows it long, I usually think he looks ridiculous. If his hair is not well taken care of, I don't like it either. It really depends on the guy though.

Overall, you can't go wrong with a clean cut haircut, since its so standard. I don't like it when the guy has very little hair (like the military cuts). I like it when he has some hair that has been nicely groomed. I don't think shaving your entire head is a good idea, and if he's balding in the back thats not very attractive to me currently.

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I think it's like Baskin and Robbins Icecream. They have 31 flavors because different people have different tastes. Various women have various tastes.


Years ago, I had a long blonde mullet that touched my shoulders. That was in style then. I recall some women liked that. Most did not. A hair style should match your personality and overall look and persona, IMO. The long mullet conflicted with my otherwise angelic and GQ looks. I was sending mixed and confusing signals with my angelic face and long hair. It was really funny when I would wear my motorcycle jacket and my hair, jacket, and bike all went together, but there was my angelic face in the middle of it. Being funny is good. Looking funny is not. I cannot pull off the bad boy look and trying to made me look stupid. For other guys it works and suits them.


Longer hair works for some guys because it compliments and cooincides with their overall look and attitude and this works for those women who like that look.


Later I had a blonde, clean cut, slightly short businessman looking haircut and still a full head of hair. I recall that being rather appreciated. It looked clean cut, businesslike, and suited my personality and overall look. No more mixed signals in my looks. I remember some women telling me they like it. I was then projecting an angelic, good boy appearance, which is naturally suited to my looks and attitude.


Later (and currently) I have the same clean cut, slightly short businessman looking haircut, but now with thin coverage on top, good coverage on sides and back. Also seems to be appreciated because it suits my face, clothes, and attitude. I've had some women tell me they like partly balding guys or bald guys and that I look good. I miss my hair, but I'm not going to worry about it because someone will think I look good no matter what because women have various tastes. Besides, I'm tall enough that no women can see the top of my head anyway, until I sit down.


Just because long hair works for your friend does not mean it will work for you, but it might. Try it and find out. Your results will vary. Some women like one thing, others like another.

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as Caterina said, it all depends on the guy. I actually prefer guys to have enough hair for me to play with, run my fingers through, etc. but that just doesn't look good on some guys.


My advice: go somewhere like Mastercuts or something similar and talk to the stylist. It's their job to have an idea what would look good on you, and offer advice. Just go in with a few ideas and get her/his opinion.

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I'm going to agree with most the people here and say it really does depend on the guy. I usually like longer hair, but there have been bald guys I've been attracted to. One of my exes had very long hair which I really didn't like, but when he joined the military he got a buzz cut and it looked fantastic. Either way, I usually like a bit of facial hair...the whole three-day stubble thing. I like fuzz! hee

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Flip thru "people" magazine or something similiar, find out what hair cuts are "in" right now. Choose a celebrity you like and is around your age and looks and style.


When you go to a hair stylist take a picture with you - that helps

Go to a more expensive place if you can afford it (I wouldn't recommend "mastercuts" like the OP did - don't trust a $8.00 haircut)

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I love men with long hair! I'm NOT talking 80s rocker-type hair. More like the beach bum look - messy, disheveled, but not past the chin in length.

When there's something I can grab onto, I'm happy.


As for facial hair, I do like goatees, but not long ones. Maybe 3-4 days worth of growth.


But don't take any of these posts the wrong way: I'm sure some women like the short, clean cut look, or the shaved look. So it depends on the individual. Also, personality has a lot to do with it as well. If the guy has no personality and has nice/long hair, then I'd choose a guy with a great personality who has shorter hair.


But strictly speaking appearance-wise, I go for longer dos.

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Everything one is different.


For me if a guys has


1. long hair


3.facial hair of any kind

4.even slightly longish hair



NO WAY!... its not attractive to me at all.. especially dreads!


some bald guys are sexy...if they have a sexy bod too!


I don't really like facial hair, but if a guy has long hair, I want it to be like to his shoulders and it has to actually look good. I think its really rare for a guy to look good with long hair though. I hate goatees and mustaches. I also hate bald heads or receding hairlines or balding in the back...some women like that...just personally I don't. A while back there was this really young guy with long hair and a beard and freckles that I knew and I thought he was really cute...he was 21, pale and had really dark silky hair. He just looked so serious and philosopher-ascetic that I was like, wow thats hot. So who knows.

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CB-- you like dreadlocks?

lol, you are such a cutie...

I guess having to spend half an hour brushing the tangles out of Tori's hair every morning predjudices me against them...lol


I do love a good 3 day beard, tho... *sigh*

My hair is a matted mess every shower, I'm so glad I got it cut short or I'd have my own dreads.



Scruff is OK, beards too, I like that facial hair if its clean and trimmed.

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Yummmm... grin. I do like long hair on a guy... I think its sexy and I love the scruff muff look.. yummy too. grin. I have a friend who sported long hair and would scruff out for me... I thought it was quite fetching. DROOL DROOL DROOL. Then for work purposes he has to cut it back.....


And you know what???? He's still quite handsome and fetching.


I don't like dreads... ick. And no matter what cut you sport.. keep clean!!!!

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I fall head-over heels for a guy that's a little messy on top. I love a guy that looks reckless or wild, it's such a turn on! I also go for the clean-cut look as well because it gives the impression that, that guy takes care of themselves.


On the other side of the coin, I dislike guys with long hair, afro's...or anything that remotely resembles a shag, or even worse, no hair what-so-ever... The worst of the worst though, is a guy that uses to much product too keep his hair in place...or doesn't bother to wash it at all...


My biggest pet peeve out of all of them though, is guy who would be drop dead gorgeous...only if they stopped hiding their face and get their hair touched up once in a awhile...it's really sad sometimes...

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