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how do you keep in touch with girls you like?


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I'm not that experienced with GFs, but I am experienced with women friends, and somewhat with GFs. What is your interest in this lady? What do you perceive her interest in you to be?


I personally would limit contact to once a week, unless or until she indicates she wants to see or hear from you more often. However, I can't say for sure what is the case in your situation.


I've personally found that once a week is often enough to keep her interest as a friend or possible GF, if there is any interest, yet once a week is little enough contact not to creep her out, if she's not interested.


How about on the second or third time you talk to her, you just ask her if she'd like to have lunch? or coffee? or ask her what she likes to do. Then, if you have some common interest, ask her if she'd like to do that.


Also, you don't have to just jump right into asking her out. You can test the water in stages and watch her reactions to see if you want to go farther. For example. Tell her she's fun to talk to. Pay close attention to her reaction. If it's positive, then tell her she's pretty. If her reaction is still positive to that point, then tell her you like her. If her behavior is still positive, comfortable, and happy, then ask her if she'd like to have lunch. In this way, you're taking small steps. This will help ease your nerves if she's taking each step in a positive way. If she gets nervous or uncomfortable in one of the earlier steps, then you can decide if you want to give up, or keep trying. At least this way you ease into it. That's my opinion.

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