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Brunettes Vs. Blondes


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My girlfriend is a gorgeous redhead. And maybe I like my women a little firey.


It sounds like you really like her a bunch. Good for you. Congratuations on having a good woman. Double congrats for having one who even fits your tastes. Way to go.


Now if only I could be so lucky. I will. I can visualize success coming around the corner. I'm not assigning any specific hair color to her. I only know it will be a mutal attraction. I'm not thinking any more specific than that. That way my eyes will adapt to appreciate her when I meet her and like her personality. In other words, I've learned not to try and fit her to my preferences, but to fit my preferences to her. I'm referring here to my looks related preferences being adaptable to fit her. Brunettes are my default preference, but I can easily adapt from there if I meet a nice blonde or redhead or whatever. My preferences for personality are more well defined and I have a general idea what I want in her personality. You can have the firey ones and you're welcome to them. Enjoy. Give me a mellower lady who'll put up with me and love me even if I am a dufus some of the time.

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Yay men who like redheads! I don't know if I count, though.


I am fair skinned and blue eyed, and my natural hair color is like a medium reddish brown, but I've been dying it darker and redder for 3 or 4 years now.


I like myself as a redhead, well auburn actually, but it's strange, I have never been attracted to a single red-headed man. Not one.

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Ultimately I don't think hair color matters to me if we're talking about physical attraction, but I don't prefer blondes over others. In fact if I had to choose, I'd pick dark hair, either brunette or black hair. Darker hair makes women look more mature (not old, just more of a mature women, less of a little girl). I think of beautiful women with dark hair I think they're more mysterious, and I want to find out more about them. There is this cute girl that sits next to me in one of my college classes; she is very petite, the kind of girl that should have dirty blonde hair, but it is actually really dark auburn; she isn't drop dead goreous but her hair makes her stand out. Also when I think of dark hair I picture Kate Beckinsale from Van Helsing....

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I have natural black hair and blue eyes. Everyone comments on how much they love my hair and many of my friends have died they're hair the same colour to match it I think the blond hair is goin out of style to be honest lol.


But now lets talk about them boys with dark hair, Damnnn those boys are fine lol. Woo for dark hair

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I agree with the idea of not making hair color a requirement. I would not disqualify anyone due to hair color, but I do have favorites. I think people are just listing their favorites, not actual requirements.


hmm, well I honestly recently haven't been attracted to one over the other. I used to like blonde's more, but I often find myself being attracted to girls with almost any colored hair. It's like I don't have any favorites haha.


Ok, well I normally am not attracted to dyed multi-colored hair, but still, it's hard to explain.

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I've dated both & never really paid attention to hair color although I do like lighter hair color in a sense, whether it's mixture of dark/light brown, blonde, etc. It gives the person more warm look. And some just look better with other hair color even if it's not their natural hair color.


Aside from that either is beautiful. Sure beats my boring flat black hair color haha.


My g/f is blonde and I hate to admit it but she's definitely more intelligent (med school) and doesn't fit the whole stereotypical views on blondes.

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For some reason I am attracted to black haired girls. However, I wouldn't really call it a preference, and its not a big factor at all. I guess I like dark features. Random fact: Statistical studies show that redheads (both male and female) have more sex than all other hair colors...

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it all depends of who's under the hair



Let's say it's you, and I'll vote for brunettes.





Seriously I've been interested in both... it honestly doesn't matter, for as long as the hair isn't sickly green or something...





Oh, and for your information, the typical blue eyed natural blonde is actually a mutation caused by excessive marrying between cousins, typical in scandinavia... not that it was dangerous but..

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When it's all said and done, it's all about how the colour's worn and not the actual colour itself...


I myself, am a brunette, but dye my hair all the time. I've been around and tried it all; from Marylin Monroe to Anne-Margaret to Elizabeth Taylor. That is, I've been a blonde, a redhead, and a black-haired beauty. Though, after all those times, red takes the cake. In short, what I'm trying to say is it all depends on your colouring/features/assets. And for me, red always makes me drop-dead grogeous...to both sexes, it's irresistible.


As for men, I usually go for darker hair...and beautiful brown eyes...to match my own. But I'm always willing to make *some* exceptions...

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Really? I think they do look good sometimes, but I fear for your safety.


A few local redheads come to mind. Beautiful, but best admired from a safe distance. Emotional. However, I do know one redhead at work who is beautiful, sweet, and mellow. I like.


Well now, that's quite the generalization


I have a big heart, but I definitely do not fit the "stereotype" of having a fiery temper AT all to be honest!


I have never had my hair any other colour, and don't plan on it. As a kid I remember being teased a lot for having red hair, but kids will pick on anything Then everyone started TRYING to dye their hair read when I was in high school and realized I had a good thing going...

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Blonde, brown, black, red, dosn't really matter. As long as it isn't something weird like emo style or pink or something.



haha. i think you're the first person on here i've seen say something about emo people.



i like natural colors fo sho. anything out of the ordinary, like pink, blue, green, ummm thats for coloring in coloring books, not for your head.

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There are hot brunettes, hot blondes, hot red heads, and hot girls who rock pink and purple hair.


I think most men and women would agree that if a girl is hot, it has little to do with her hair color specifially, but rather more to do with the entire package of "who" she is, and "what" she looks like.

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